"A Day in the Life of..." Part one

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"A Day in the Life of......" Part one


Name: Lizzy Parker

Age: 14

Birth Place: London, England

Diary Entry: 26th July 2011


That's what I woke up to this morning, knowing that I only had an hour before I had to get the bus to school. School, why do we even bother with it? It's just so boring and I don't see the point in it. I don't have to work when I'm older, Mum and Dad have enough money anyway. An hour passed, I'd got dressed, had a shower and eaten my breakfast, packed my school bag and brushed my teeth. It takes me 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop, where i meet my friends, Carrie and Zeina.

This is the point of the day when I start to feel a bit happier. We then all wait for another 5 minutes for the bus to arrive. The bus ride is long and tedious, and is only made bearable by having Carrie and Zeina to talk to. It takes another 45 minutes to get to school.

Today I have; German, Geography, PE, Maths and Science. To be honest this is, without a doubt, the best day of the week for me, because I enjoy PE and Geography. German, Maths and Science pass in a blur, I wasn't listening, so consequently I didn't learn anything today, in them subjects.

In PE, we were doing climbing, I love climbing, it's the only thing i'm really good at. I can scale an overhang in 50 seconds flat. (The best in my Saturday morning class, by far.) Climbing is the only thing I look forward to everyday. 

In Geography, I did however learn something worthwhile, though. We learnt about Standard of Living and somebody's Quality of LIfe. Someone's standard of living is how wealthy they are and whether they have the most recent technology or not, whether they are above or under the poverty line, and finally whether they are entitled to free healthcare and free education as well. Someone's Quality of life is how happy and content they are with their life. So, I would say that my Standard of living is fantastic, because Mum and Dad earn high wages and we are never out of money. But my Quality of life is a bit poor, this is because I'm only happy around my friends, or climbing. I also think it could be because I am always wanting more, I am never content with what I have. I always want the newest Fashion, the latest phone, the best make-up and a great social life.

After school I came home, did my homework, ate tea then got changed into sports clothing and got a lift down to the local climbing wall, to have my lesson. I go climbing round about six times a week, a lot of times I know, but that is the only time when I am truly happy and my Quality of life is at it's highest. After climbing I went home, tired and ready to snuggle up in my new cosy bed. i have a long shower, to relax my tight muscles from climbing, get changed into my pajamas and climb in to bed. I then read for half an hour, and also finish my book. It was very sad at the end, and I nearly cry. I always cry when a book has a sad ending for the characters.

 Finally at 10:30pm I managed to get to sleep, knowing that tomorrow will be exactly the same, only with a different timetable at school. Bugger. At least I have a two hour climbing session to look forward to. I 'm now going to bed, happy and --content, with a great Standard of living and a roller coaster ride of a Quality of Life.


thanks for reading :D




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