The beginning of a nightmare

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"Goodbye!" Madison, a friend of mine from school, screamed from the half open window on the bus. I waved and headed toward my house, walking past broken fences and glass from beer bottles that my neighbor must have thrown out. Luckily I was wearing my cowboy boots. It was muddy and wet from the rain that came down this morning. "Can't she just put them in the garbage can? Someone is gonna end up getting hurt? Or worse. A poor puppy might swallow-"

"Alice!" My 15 year old brother, Jaden, yelled from the door of our house, holding a basketball in his hand. "Wanna go play?"

I nodded, taking off my backpack and walking over to our porch. I threw it with a grunt and it landed heavily, shaking the rocking chair my mother had put at the corner of the porch next to all her all useless junk.

Shrugging I ran back over to Jaden who was already heading to the back of the house where my dad had put a plastic basketball net on one of the trees.

He knew we loved to play ball, so he got it for us a few years ago on my 7th birthday. My dirty blonde hair blew back in the wind as it hit my face, causing me to cough, "ugh.. I hate the wind." I said in my squeaky, 2 year old-like voice.

"Eh you'll get over it." Jaden replied, "Heads up!" He said throwing the ball over to me. Sighing I walked past the overgrown grass we had in our backyard. I made it over to the front of the tree staring hard at the net, "You can do this Alice." I said, determined to make the ball as if I were in a real game.

I always lost to Jaden, and I wasn't about to let it happen this time. Raising the ball I threw it with all my effort, but of course it missed rolling into the woods behind him. "Welp... You're getting it.. Not me" he threw his hands up, "but you're the oldest one.. Ugh whatever!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't run into any killers!" He yelled laughing a little.

"Okay Jaden... This isn't a cliche horror movie." I groaned. Little did I know, it was about to turn into one.

It was about 10 minutes before I found it lying beside a rock covered in nasty moss and leaves, "Ew.." I said bending down to pick it up. Dropping it, I screamed as I felt my fingers press against something squishy. It rolled further over to another rock that was a little less... Gross.

"That's my ball." A deep raspy voice boomed, it sounded as if it hadn't hit air in a long time. A black muddy shoe covered it harshly, stopping me from picking it up. I slowly looked up to see a what looked like a tall man in a white hoodie and black pants covered in red stains. It was kinda dark with all the trees around us so I could hardly see any of his facial features. I furrowed my eyebrows as I caught a glimpse of a long bloody smile on his face.

"That's MY ball. And Halloween is over last time I checked. So get the fake blood and crap off your face." I snapped, getting a little annoyed at the stranger in front of me.

But I soon felt fear as I felt his cold hand touch the back of my neck as he pulled me up by the collar of my shirt, "I would watch the tone you little shit!" He said angrily, breath smelling like alcohol and death. Gagging a little at the smell I kicked and squealed, "put me dow-"

"Aye.. I'm giving you two seconds to put the girl down fucker!" Jaden came out of the shadows with the hunting knife he kept in his boot in his hands. He always had a fear this would happen. And his fear, and mine, had come true.

"Oh what are you gonna do stab me with that pathetic piece of shit you call a knife?" The man chuckled at his own comment, making Jaden's face turn red from embarrassment and anger.

"I-I mean it!" He screamed trying to sound threatening. Taking baby steps over to the both of us.

Scared that he would get hisself hurt or killed I kicked the man in a spot that I knew would cause damage. I groaned as I hit the ground with a loud thud, "you little b-" he said bending over in pain.
If I get a few votes I will continue the story :)

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