Your Best Friends, The Host Club

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You walked around the hallways of your rich school, Ouran Academy, by yourself carrying your books around trying to find your locker through the whole mess of people crowding in the hallways at the end of the school day. Your finally find your locker and start packing your things and start thinking about what you wanted to do after school. You decided finally that you would go to the Host Club like you always do everyday to talk to your friends for a little while and then go home with Haruhi to get some help on your homework and then go home and relax and organize some things you had waiting for you at home.
You're a big person for organization, you're father is a big movie director in Japan and as for your mother she was a big person for fashion and she owns a huge fashion company that is famous in both Japan and America. Both of them can get very disorganized with paperwork so you find time after homework to help them organize things and help make decisions since they rarely have time for it.

You made your way towards the host club and go inside to see the host club turn their heads toward you and they all smile. "Welcome (Y/N) [your name] !!" squeals Hani. You look at the small blonde holding his little Usa-Chan and smile. "Hello Hani, it's nice to see you!"
Hani giggles, "You too!! Want to share some cake with me??"
"That'd be delightful!" You respond cheerfully, you had been wanting cake all day and couldn't wait for Hani too ask if you wanted something. You follow the small blonde and his bunny to a red couch and sit down as Mori sets down your favorite type of cake in front of you and he sets down Hani's favorite strawberry cake in front of him. The whole host club migrates over to where you are enjoying your cake and they all start asking you questions.
"How was school today (Y/N)?" Tamaki asked as he leaned down over the couch behind you right next to your head.
"It was tiring, lots of tests and studying to do" you said and groaned slightly as you remembered all the studying you had to do.
"How was your math test?" Haruhi asked. "Did my method help?"
"Oh my god, yes! It helped so much!! Thanks for showing me Haruhi!" You answer with a smile. "Without that I'd be dead meat."
After a while you finally answered everyone's questions on school work and by that time it was time for the host club to start hosting the girls who started to arrive. You made your way over to the table where Kyoya usually did his typing and sat down in his empty chair as he hosted the girls and tried to make some sales for the host club to the girls. Kyoya had showed you his ways of organizing so you knew how he did things so you helped yourself to organizing sales and receipts for him and you opened up a few things on the Internet for some ideas on how to sell somethings to the girls to raise money for the girls and you helped yourself to sneaking some themed magazines into Tamaki's stuff so he'd get some good ideas for helping host the girls. You finally went back to Kyoya's place and saw that he was still walking around making sales so you decided to close his laptop and walk over to the twins table to see what they were doing for their brotherly love package today. It was a complete fake you knew that, but you did fall for it every time. They did their usual, spill tea on Karou while Hikaru comforts him in a sexual yet loving way. Your internal fangirl was off the charts and you had to rush away before you made an embarrassment of yourself. You passed by Haruhi talking to some girls talking about her family and how much she cared for the girls and everything, she truly was a natural.
You always admired how sweet she was and you wanted to be just like her. As you watched Haruhi talk to the girls you realized that there wasn't much tea left for everyone at Haruhi's table so you decided to get some for the everyone.
A few minutes you come later your and give everyone some and then took some requests on bringing some of Haruhi's great "commoners coffee" also known for being called instant coffee and brought that out as well. After you put all that away you made your way over to hear over Tamaki's conversation with the girls and you listened in on what he was talking about with the girls. He truly was like a prince, even a king, he was sweet and romantic and you just adored him and his great looks.

As it neared the time for the girls to go home and the club was ending for the day Kyoya was finally done hosting he cleaned some things up by taking the tea cups and mugs back to where the tea was made and made his way back to his long missed laptop. "I really should get a new year set for the host club... The one we have now is out of style..." When he got to where his laptop was he was greeted with you asleep on his laptop breathing slowly. He smiled a bit and took off his jacket and threw it over your back and rubbed your head a bit as you curled up into his jacket and got out his clipboard and started making some notes. Kyoya may have seemed to be more of a "not really interested" person when it came too things with crushes and stuff but he was passionate for you and wanted to keep you into his life. But he wasn't alone the only one wanting you in his life, as a matter of a fact everyone in the host club wanted you as theirs, even Haruhi, she was kinda gay for you and she couldn't make out why you were so sweet and gentle with everyone and it just made her develop feelings for you. You weren't much of person to like boys so you didn't ever really notice.
Finally when everyone went home and the whole group gathered around you and smiled a bit to themselves.
"Should we wake her up?" Karou asked curiously.
"No no!! Look how peaceful she is..." whispered Hikaru.
Hearing their voices you woke up slightly and curled up more into the jacket and fell right back asleep.
"Let's all clean up and then we will wake her up she's peaceful for right now..." Haruhi said quietly and made her way to her table and cleaned up the left plates and cups that were left at the tables. The host club followed her orders and cleaned up as well. As the host club finished Mori nudged you a bit trying to wake you up without a word. You groaned a bit and curled up more under the nice jacket. Mori nudged you again. "(Y/N)" he said softly but loud enough for you to hear. "Nnn.... What is it...? Where am I?" You say sitting up and rubbing your eyes. You finally realize where you are and stand up quickly and let the jacket fall into the chair. "Oh gosh!! I fell asleep in front of everyone..."
Hani laughed a bit "But you looked so cute (Y/N)-chan!!"
The twins came up behind you and used your shoulders as arm rests, you adapted that habit from them so you didn't complain and you found it kind cute. "You were so cute and peaceful, you should do that more often." says Karou while Hikaru nodded in agreement. You blushed hard and gave Kyoya his coat back and rushed out of the host club room and ran home hoping no one would follow and see your very red and embrassed face. They might be your best friends but falling asleep in front of others was something you never wanted to do.

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