The BIG Fucking Mistake

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"Hey Rex" Carrie said romanticly "Hey!" Rex said back."So um..since Charity's missing maby you can proberly have a chance with me?" Rex looks at Carrie wierdly "b-but i thought you said you didnt like me" Rex said. "Well do you still like Charity?" Carrie said. "Yeah i mean its your besyfriend and i dont want to ruin me and Charity's wedding" said Rex

Later that day they heard a knock on the door
"I'LL GET IT!" Carrie said yelling at the door.
"WHO THE FU- oh hia.. Charity were youve been" while she smiles at her.

"Carrie you are specail" said Charity. "Why arent i not specail" said Carrie smilling.

Rexs comes down the stairs smilling in joyfulness "YOUR HERE" Rexs yells holding his hands out to hug Charity at the door.

Carrie walks infrount of Rex feeling his abs and stealing the hug from Charity. "Carrie what are you doing" said Rex sotfly "this shirt is so sexy and soft" said Carrie

"Bring it to my room later so i can cuddle in it" said Carrie" Charity looks at Carrie and asks "did yall have sex or some shit"

Rex looks at Charity "no no nooooo" said Rex "you sure about that Rex" Carrie said smilling


Carrie kisses Rex infrount of Charity and says "see i told you we did"
Rex bitch slaps Carrie and starts looking at side with Charity.

"Wait who's that on the jetpack outside" said Charity

Said the strange person in the air.
"Wait that looks like Doubling" said Charity

Carries falls ontoo Rex with her lips on his lips then Doubling falls from the roof ontop of Carrie and Rex

"Oh hey guys" Doublung said with the white stuff from the roof on his face

Rex grabs Carrie into a secret room with him and bitch slaps her. "DONT FUCKING HIT MEH EVER AGAIN UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO CHOP YOUR DICK OFF AND FRIE IT AND MAKE YOU EAT IT INFROUNT ME TRY ME BITCH I WILL DO IT" said Carrie loudly in the room.

"So how you doin Charity" said Doubling "good good i just heard Carrie yelling and cursing so i dont know whats happening" said Charity

"YOU MODA FUCKA" Carrie said in the back ground
"I better go check on them to see whats happening" said Charity
"Yeah y-you go do that" said Charity

Charity looks into the rom were Carrie and Rex was.
Charity sees Carrie with a stick in her hand and Rex on on ground in the corner in a ball shape position.
"NO DONT TOUCH MEE" yelled Rex in the corner.

Charity picks up Rex in his position as a ball and places him on the couch with Doubling. "Holy shit you l-look like you been torcherd by Carrie holy fuck" said Doubling

Rex starts to cry on the couch next to Doubling on his shoulder "SHE HURT MEH AND CHARITY DIDNT HELP ME" said Rex "wait oh shit Carrie kissed me what should i tell Charity" said Rex

"Just tell Carrie to fuck off" said Doubling "i told that and it didnt end up good, she took it toooooo serously" said Rex

"Rex come here" said Charity while Carrie was walking out with peanut butter in her hand to calm her nerves.

"Rex sweaty what happen to you and Carrie" said Charity
Rex leans on charity shoulder looking scared to death by Carrie
Charity kisses Rex cheek its ok dont worry she wont scare you any longer.

De end ikr cliff hanger

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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