Chapter 1

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These movies were stupid. Stupid and repetitive. It was the same plot over and over and over again. Karkat sighed in frustration and slammed his husktop shut. None of his movies that he once loved interested him. None of them. The cancer troll leaned back on the makeshift pile he made for himself and let his eyes wander the room he was currently in.

It was a fairly large room, one that he carved out in a secluded corner of the meteor. Karkat was just poking around the meteor when boom. He, unintentionally, found this empty room. Karkat instantly filled it up. He covered the walls in posters of movies of war, documentaries, romcoms, or posters of the latest and greatest video games. On top of the posters were photographs. Photos of Equius and Nepeta, Tavros and Gamzee, Feferi with Sollux or Eridan, Sollux with Aradia, Kanaya with Karkat, Vriska and Terezi and many more combinations of trolls. Tacked on top of the photos were drawings. Drawings of Nepeta's ships or different FLARPing persona's, drawings of a new dress or new design for a robot.

The room itself was littered with a rainbow of objects. The floor was covered in different objects. FLARPing materials, books, jewelry, dice, wands, horns, ninja stars, pillows, a scalemate or two, movie cases, video game cases, robot parts, paint sets, balls of yarn, and teapots. The pile Karkat was resting in was an accumulation of clothing articles and cut up cloth. It held the shirts, skirts, dresses, coats, costumes, capes, hats and cut pieces of cloth that were once rejected clothing articles from Kanaya. The pile was gross, in all honesty. A smell of seawater, honey, dirt, sweat, fancy perfume, sugar, and a faint (almost undetectable) smell of blood.

The room was idiosyncratic. The different likes of his friends all came together perfectly to make one amazing style. The room was bright and colorful, inviting. Anyone who stepped in here would instantly feel welcomed. The odd mixture of the smells was kind of off-putting but Karkat didn't mind. The smell that might've been considered gross to others was calming. Like the pheromones that a lusus gave off, the familiar scent a grub grew up to know and love.

Though the room was bright and happy looking, it gave off a certain wave of sadness. This room was filled with the interests of Karkat's deceased friends or the interests of the three living friends that didn't find an interest in Karkat anymore. This room was sad, yet comforting. It made him feel as if he was there with his friends. He felt like nothing had changed, it was just them all together again. Sometimes Karkat would close his eyes and imagine his friends there. Gamzee next to him smelling strongly of slime with Tavros beside him and the two would rap quietly. Eridan would be on the other side of Karkat, complaining about various things. Sollux would be talking with Feferi whilst Aradia's robot stood nearby. Equius and Nepeta would be happily conversing with one another over various subjects. Kanaya would be sitting in the corner, sewing a patch into Terezi's FLARPing costume whilst Terezi argued with Vriska.

Karkat was alone. He felt empty and unloved. He spent nearly all his time in this room which was so secluded and detached from the rest of the meteor. For god's sake, this room didn't even have air vents! The halls outside the closed door of this room, Karkat's sacred space, were unfamiliar. The cancer troll was sure the only possible way to enter this secret little space of his was to take a string on transportalizers here, though Karkat had to put in a special password in order to reach his sacred area.

The red blooded troll grabbed a garment from the pile, Eridan's cape, and wrapped it around himself. The smell of blood and seawater mingled with one another creating a foul smell. Karkat didn't care, this reminded him of his sea dweller friend. Karkat shut his eyes and began reminiscing of those times he shared with Eridan. All those times he never got a chance to step onto LOWAA or all the times he declined Eridan's invitation to watch a war movie. He regretted all of that, all the times he never took advantage of hanging out with his friends, all the times he figured he'd have the rest of the game and hopefully their lives to watch movies or draw or play games. He knew he could still visit them in the dream bubbles but it just wasn't the same. Not to Karkat.

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