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My best friend, Zayn, had come over for a bit. I've known him since I was about 5. But, since then I...I've started to gain feelings for him. I don't know how to tell him though. I hurts me to know, he'll never like me back. But there is always that small glimmer of hope that you never want to let go.

"I'm just going to nip to the loo." he says, leaving you in the living room. "Okay" you smile, not wanting him to go. You see his phone flash up from inside his pocket. A sneaky thought crosses your mind - you could always... check it? You think through it, knowing you won't have much time. You decide to have a look. The text was from Niall. "Just ask her out?x" it read. Your heat sunk. Zayn liked someone. You felt almost as if he hd betrayed you, even though you didn't have anything going on. "What the hell are you soing?!" Zayn yells fom behind you. You drop his phone on the sofa and stand up to face him. "It's not what it looks like!!" you yell. "Oh I think it is! Why are you on my phone?!" he yells, grabing it from the sofa. "Please, you got a text... I was just wondering who it was..." you say. "Well don't wonder! It's none of your buiseness!" he yells. "Please, Zayn, I'm sorry!" you yell. "No. What did you see?" he asks. You think weather to tell the truth or weather to say nothing. "Just... Niall." you saay quietly. You feel you eyes heat up as the tears start to form. Zayn checks his phone. He sighs. "So you know?" he says. "Yeah." you reply. "Look, I'm just not brave enough too..." he says. "Just...tell her how you feel." you say, a lump in your throat. It hurt you to say it. "What do you mean her?" he asks. "Just ask her out...?" you say, wondering what on earth he was on about. "Do you know who 'her' is, Yas?" he asks. "No?" you say. He sighs and takes your hands in his. "You are..." he says. "What?" you ask. "You're 'her'" he tells you. You gasp. Your heart starts thumping aginst you chest. "Why didn't you just tell me?" you asked. "Why did you keep it a secret?" you look into his eyes. "I didn't want you to say no..." he sighs, blushing slightly. "I love you." you whipser. He smiles. "I love you too..." he leans in to kiss you. As your lips touch the door to the living room opens. "Tea's ready--" starts your Mum. You suddenly brake apart. "Okay, yeah, sure." you say, awkwardly. "What's going on here?" asks your Mum, winking. You turn to Zayn smiling, he looks back at you and takes your hand. "Are you two going out?!" your Mum asks. You both laugh. "Yeah." says Zayn. She smiles. "Oooo, goody! I'm so happy. I knew this was going to happen one day." You both laugh and walk though into the dining room.

You were having Fish and Chips. You stated eating away. You were sat next to Zayn, he slides his hand into yours and feeds you a chip. You smile into his eyes. "I was beggining to think you were going to ask out someone else." you laughed. "No!! I love you..." he says winking. "I it doesn't matter." you say. "You nearly what?" he urges. "No, it doesn't matter! It's stupid!!" you laugh. "Tell meeeee!" he pleads, giving you a puppy-dog face. You smile. "I nearly cried..." you laugh quietly. "Babe, you trying to say you've liked me too?" he asks, shocked. "Yeah..." you say blushing. "Why didn't you ask me then?" he says winking. "I guess we both have our secrets." you say. He smiles, the adorable way he does and kisses you.

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