At meadows peak

18 0 0

It was a peaceful day in the meadow, the sweet smell of roses, the breeze was warm on my skin, the wind was pushing the tall grass as I brush it threw my finger tips. I close my eyes, and take a deep breath of the fresh air. I loved the meadow. It was my favorite place to be. Surrounding the meadow were beautiful trees. The meadow is like the light within the darkness, I always find peace here. The sun peaks through the trees, and when I walk a little further, there lies too beautifully carved stones. Carved in each stone is a name. One stone reads Derrick Lays and the other reads Maria Lays. Every day for the past two years I have come here, I sit next to the stones, grab my journal, and I write in it for as long as I may. I write to my parents who passed away a couple years ago. I was only 16 when I found out. Someone murdered them while I was at a friends house.

Why? I have no clue, all I know is that after they died I ran away from the city and found this small town, and thought it was absolutely adorable.

I bought a house with all the money I had. And got a job at a cafe just down the street 1 1/2 miles from my house.

I live by myself with my pug. I am absolutely in love with him, he follows me everywhere and he snorts all the time, so, I named him bacon, because he's like a pig.

It was getting late and bacon would start to get worried about me if I didn't get home soon. Just as I got up I heard twigs break and dry leave crumble. I was worried because this place never had any visitors. I wiped the dirt from my butt and grabbed my bag from the ground, and just as I was about to leave, a man popped up out of nowhere.

I jumped back in surprise, we made eye contact for a about five seconds before I looked down and walked off. I didn't want to show any sign of fear because I know that would trigger something so I brushed it off and kept walking. It was sun down and I just wanted to get home. I am only 18 and I knew nothing about self defense. I am hopeless being alone in the woods at night but I just kept going on the trail.

I love being alone with bacon. I guess it's just a fear I have of losing the next person I get close to. So it's just better off living alone happy, than in pain and misery because you just lost a loved one.

I had finally reached my home. And I was way to exhausted to eat, so I just gave bacon some food and fell asleep on the couch, watching reruns of ''that' 70s show'' with bacon.

The next morning I woke up with my back aching in pain. It Must have been the couch.

I took a long hot shower and got ready for work. I fed bacon food before I left and grabbed my car keys.

Once I was just half way there, my car over heated

"shit" I whispered to myself.

I looked at the time and it read 8:18, I had only 12 minutes to get to work. So I just started walking. Even though my feet were killing me I made it on time.

I walked in the cafe and saw Rosie, only the most beautiful person I've seen, we are the only two waitresses in the cafe, and Deven, he is the cook, and then there is John. He's the manager, and he is a total pain in my-

"Anne! What are you doing here so late?" John yelled in my face, his eye was twitching and his breath stank, but I couldn't say anything or he'd fire me. He fires everyone for no apparent reason.

"My car over heated so I had to walk." I said calmly, "well, don't let it happen again or I'll have to fire you!"

-In my ass.

"Yes sir," I said wrapping my apron around my waist

"You have tables 2, 4, and 6"

I turned to see who I could serve and one thing caught my eye. I couldn't help but stair he was so-

"Yummy." Rosie said while standing next to me staring in the same direction, "his name is Andrew White,"

"What no, no I wasn't staring at him." Rosie laughed "yeah, whatever" My eyes widened and I smiled "what?!" I said in a high pitch voice while laughing

"Mmhm, yeah" Rosie said walking away.

But who was I kidding? He would never want me, I had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. Unlike Rosie, with her bright red hair, blue eyes, tall, and funny. I walked up to his table "hi, I'm Anne ill be your server for today. can I start you off with something to drink?'' He looked at me and smirked. "Yeah, ill have a coffee, black." He said just staring me down I wrote down his order on my order sheet

"Alright a black coffee comin' right up"

I walked behind the counter to get the coffee and a coffee cup.

Rosie walked up to me

"So what does hottie want?"

"What does it look like?" I said holding up the coffee

"Shut up" she said laughing as she walked away, I walked over to give him his coffee.

"Here is your coffee sir" I said pouring his coffee.

I walked up to my next table it was three guys and they all looked like drunken pigs.

"Hi my name is Anne, I'll be your server today, can I start you off with something to drink?" I looked at the guy on the left first he was fat and his face was greasy, "baby, now what can I get for you doll face."

He said as they all laughed, I cleared my throat "my name is Anne." Then the sweaty guy in the middle decided to speak up "listen tuts, when does your shift end." I raised my eye brows about to say something but some one beat me to it.

"How about you get out of here." Andrew said sitting afar. Then the guy on the right stood up "what are you gonna do about it? Huh?" Andrews jaw bones where moving you could tell he was angry, but why, I mean he had no idea who I was. Andrew got up and you could practically see his veins from how big his muscles were. He was about 6'4 and I liked it a lot.

"What the hells your problem man?" Andrew said sternly walking in front of me, I know I shouldn't feel happy but I sure did. I stepped back as Rosie came up behind me "um, what's going on?" She asked me,

I walked in between Andrew and the rude men. "Okay, get out of this café before I call the police'' Andrew walked away but before he did he took one good look at me. It looked worried or sad. I had felt bad because I didn't want him to leave. I wanted the other guys to leave.

"Did you here what the hell I just said?! Go on now."

They all finally left and Rosie looked at me with wide eyes and a big grin "wow, I have to say, I am empressed, tuts." She said walking away, John came out and yelled at me "one more move like that and ill fire you!"

Once my shift was over. I could finally go home. And I remembered about my car so I called the 'triple A' company and told then ill get my car in the morning. I actually knew some people that worked there so they had my back. And I already knew that my truck was there it has happened to me so many times before.

As I was walking home someone pulled up beside me. An unfamiliar someone. No, wait, I knew this someone, I saw him before in the meadow he stared me down for about 5 seconds. And I felt like he didn't want a friendly chat.

"Get in." He commanded.

"Excuse me? I don't even know who you are." He rolled his eyes and said once again "get in." I scolfed "no. I can walk" he looked at my hands carrying my shoes and raised his eye brows. "Look if you don't get in," he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me "I'm gonna have to shoot you."

I raised my eye brows and crossed my arms "go ahead and shoot me then. I'd rather die than possibly get raped or tortured so do it then." I said challenging the strange man. He just rolled his eyes and said "look I just want to talk please."

"Okay, what should we talk about?" I said standing my ground

"About your parents death."

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