The Sculptor (Creepypasta)

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I had just gotten a demolition job after a long time of looking for something to get me by in this economy. I'd just moved to central New York from the city because I could no longer deal with the loud noises and flashing lights all the time. I was lucky enough to find a small one bedroom apartment, wasn't much but it's home to me. My friend, Lucas, had lived on the next floor up from me. He's the main reason I got the job. Apparently, the manager owed him a favor.

Tonight was my first night of work. We were taking down an old high school that's been closed for about 50 years. The town wanted to turn it into a new park for the kids. When I had arrived at the school, a chill ran down my spine. I could tell why they wanted it torn down so badly. It was a three floor, "U" shaped building. Most of the windows were either broken or cracked, some even had mold growing on them. The flag was almost completely white from the weather and time. The front door was chained and boarded. My mind was telling me to leave and never come back, but, I wasn't going to chicken out. I needed the money.

We had this big guy named Kevin, they nicknamed him "Muscle Man" because of how big he was. He wore a white t-shirt that looked as though it would rip from the size of his muscles. He ripped off the boards and took off the chains with a lock cutter. Inside was well-kept.... like it hadn't aged a day. Most of the team was taking apart the first floor while Muscle Man and I were assigned the second. Like the first floor, it was amazingly preserved, except for the curtains which seemed to be sewn together.

"Tom, we're done at 9 today, so you can either stay later to get more done or just leave." I nodded to Kevin. He went to the left side of the building and I had gone to the right.

Inside one of the classrooms, I pulled out my tools and started with the floor boards. A few hours went by as I had moved from classroom to classroom, throwing out the chairs and desks in the hallway when, suddenly, I started hearing noises coming from above me. I shrugged it off as Kevin working above. After a while, it didn't sound like he was doing anything but walking a few steps then back, however, the footsteps sounded way too light for someone of his size. Ignoring it, I went back to work when my phone began ringing; it was my boss. "Hey Tom," He said. "Yeah?" "Since everyone else left, can you lock up? The keys are on the front desk" He asked. I must have lost track of time. Wait, "Did Kevin leave?!" I almost yelled into the phone. "Yeah, Like an hour ago. Why?" His voice was filled with worry. "N-nothing." I hung up. Moving silently so whoever was ever upstairs wouldn't hear me, I figured I'd just lock him in here and the others would take care of it in the morning, probably just some kid.

I took a step on the stairs, which made a loud creak, when I heard running come from the upstairs. I took off, jumping steps trying to out run whoever or whatever it was. However, I fell on the last step, ripping my jeans and scraping my knee. I didn't waste anytime however. I just kept going, slamming the front door shut as I locked in whatever was in there. I heard it slam against the door a few times.... Then it stopped. I couldn't stop shaking. when I could finally move, I drove home, not wanting to go back....I know I'd have to.... I'd just arm myself this time. That way, whoever is in there won't stand a chance if they come after me again.... yeah.... That'll work.

I showered, left my ripped pants on the coffee table, and hit the hay for the night.

The next morning I made sure to grab my butterfly knife and place it in my pocket. When we finally arrived, everything was left the same on the first floor. Kevin and I went up to the second floor as usual. There was no one in the class rooms. I had to have checked three times, but what was odd was my tools that I left there weren't how I left them. They were placed in their proper spots when I had just left them lying around. There was no sound from above today, must had been some kid trespassing yesterday trying to scare me.

I left the same time as everyone this time. At least everything was normal now. But as I was leaving, I found a clay figure on the front desk that no matter what way you looked at it, it seemed to follow your every move. I figured someone must have found it in one of the classrooms.

That night, I didn't sleep easily. I just kept thinking of that thing on the desk. It's eyes were so real. After finally getting some sleep, I figured I wouldn't need my butterfly knife anymore.

At work the next day, Kevin and I had finally finished the second floor and moved on up to the third. I was still scared shitless, but Kevin's a big guy so, if anything happened, he's here. I mad my way to the music wing in the old band room. As I did, I found and old art project on a chair; A clay head, really detailed, it almost looked like my boss. It wasn't fired, as the clay chipped off as I picked it up to look at it. It was actually pretty cool! It even had the scar he had on his left cheek. I put it back on the chair, I'll show the others later. I resided in the corner, ripping up floor boards. "CRASH!" Dammit! the clay head must have fallen! when I turned to look, I saw the shattered clay parts, dripping in a puddle of blood. I ran over to the shattered figure, and, there, was Ryan, my bosses', head.... on the floor, eyes glazed over, face contorted forever in a scream. I bolted for the stairs, which I found torn up. I would never make the jump.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Kevin! He'll know what to do! I ran to one of the art rooms. No one. I ran to the next. There he was, sitting in solitude. "Where's the elevator?! the stairs are fucked up and we need to leave NOW!" He stood up, back to me... This wasn't Kevin. He was about the size of a high schooler with pure black hair. He turned towards me. His face was mostly cover with medical bandages, besides his mouth and his right eye. His bangs covered his left eye. His right eye was white where the iris rest, with the sclera of his eye black.... His teeth sharp like a dogs'. He wore a skin tight under armor shirt that had no sleeves and a turtle neck. His arms had stitches all over, almost like they were holding him together. He was extremely thin. That's when the smell hit me.... rotting flesh. Behind him were several mutilated bodies sewn together. "W-w-why!?" I screamed at him, they were most of the construction team. "Ahahah! Why? I am going make the perfect human, of course!" He giggled as I saw in his hands a knife and a sewing needle with thread in the other. His right hand was missing his pinkie and ring finger. "You're crazy!" His laughter abruptly stopped as I found him staring me in the eyes. "You call me crazy, but maybe it's you who is insane!! Maybe this whole world is insane and I'm the only one in this world left with sanity! Now let me show you what it means to be sane!" He lunged at me. I swung my right hand hitting his face. I tried to run but my right hand was stuck. A crunch rang through the room as I screamed as he bite off a few of my fingers and spit them out. Holding my wrist, I looked up and, out of no where, Kevin came and slammed the kid to the ground. "Tom, find a way out. I'll be right behind you." I ran out of the room just in time to see the kid stand up, bones broke and snapping them back into place. I ran hallway to hallway, the whole time hearing screams and items smashing. The smashing stopped as I found the elevator on the far side. I ran back. "Kevin! Kevin! I found it!" The kid now had five fingers on his right hand... two he bit off of me... and Kevin was cut in two from the waist down. He took a step forward and Kevin grabbed his ankle.... HE'S ALIVE. "Smash!" The kid stomped in his head with one powerful blow. Brain matter and blood flew everywhere. Shattered fragments of his skull landing at my feet. "W-WHAT ARE YOU... YOU MONSTER!!!" Giggles spilled from his mouth as though he was having fun like a kid at an amusement park. "I am the sculptor, this world will be molded by my hands and will be turned into perfection." He sprinted at me, full speed. I ran to the elevator as it opened just in time for me to jump in before he got to me. I kicked furiously at him to keep him at bay until the door closed. I was safe in here. Just when I though I had gotten away, the latch on top came undone as I felt him grab at me. I struggled as I grabbed the handle of the latch with my left hand and slammed it as hard as I could with a thud, shutting it tightly. His arm fell to the ground twitching.

As soon as I stepped foot the first floor and ran for my car. I drove to my house as fast as I could and immediately called the police. They told me to stay inside until they got there. I went inside, feeling safer knowing the police would be here any minute. That's when I saw it. The ripped jeans I had left on my coffee table had been sewn up. My door crept open. "Do you have any spare parts?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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