The Move

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Yay first chapter here we go!


Laney's p.o.v

I look up at the tiny apartment complex. This is the place Mom had in mind? Wow. Okay then.

The movers and I get all of the stereo-typical moving boxes into my apartment. They get payed the weird Europe-money-Euro-thingy and leave.

Looking around, I realize the apartment isn't as small as I originally thought.

There's a bathroom at the top of the stairs. It's a pretty good size, for a bathroom. There's a closet next to it, too. That's cool.

Continuing up the stairs, I get to the living room. Now that I'm in Britain, do I have to call it a lounge? The "lounge" leads into a hallway, with a kitchen, two bedrooms, and yet another set of stairs.

The kitchen is cool. I like the island, and the whole set up makes it feel homey. The movers had plopped my box of kitchen shit right in the center of the floor. Thank you so much.

Bedrooms were cool. No comment on why Mom thought I'd need two, but whatever. Thumbs up on bedrooms.

Up the stairs was a third bedroom. Why the hell would I need this many? I'm one person, no one else lives with me!

While I was pondering why the hell my mother bought me such a huge condo, the doorbell rang.

Great, I thought. Neighbors.

I went down the stairs and opened the door. When I did, all the color drained out of my face and I almost fainted.

"'Ello." Dan Howell, aka danisnotonfire, said to me. Dan Howell.

"Hi!" Phil Lester chirped.

Did I manage a stutter?

"Oh, Dan, she knows us!"

"Be quiet Phil you're making her uncomfortable."

I just stand there. Is my mouth open? I gulp.

"I'm assuming you know I'm Dan and this is Phil?" Dan asks.

I only manage a nod.

" are?"

"Oh!" I say, finally finding my voice. "I'm Laney."

"Hi Laney!" Phil smiles at me.

"Hi Phil."

Dan smiles, looking at my Awkward Human shirt. "From the Americas, eh?" He could tell from my accent, I think.

I shrug, tucking some of my short, mousy brown hair behind my ear. "Yeah. I'll always be a D.C. girl at heart."

Dan and Phil smile.

I feel like my shirt says, awkward. Dan and Phil, the Dan and Phil, are at my door. And I have nothing to say.

"Well, we live right across the hall, if you ever need anything."

I think my asthma is catching up to my heart, which is running a marathon. "T-thanks."


I really need my inhaler now. I think I manage a wheezy, "One sec," at the two men who I ship harder than the rest of the internet does. I finally find my inhaler in my purse, and I can breathe again. When I turn around, they are in my house!

"Aaah!" I cry, before I can stop myself.

"Oops sorry!" Phil looks really guilty. "You just ran off and we thought you might need some help."

"Nonono it's cool you guys are fine I just needed my inhaler." I blurt before I know what's happening.

They both grin, and I wonder what exactly I have gotten myself into.


Wow that was actually harder than I thought. So, yeah, whatdidyathink? I know it might've gotten kinda boring a the end but I have so many ideas.

Also sorry I know its kinda short what can I say I'm new with this.

One problem though. All I have on the description of Laney is kinda short, brown hair. I'll be checking the comments if you guys have anything you wanna add. (I'm looking for creative, if anyone says blonde with blue streaks imma punch something.)

Also, I am really debating on Laney's orientation. Should she be Bi, gay, straight, A romantic? Should she be in a long distance thing, or should she just meet some human in Britain?

I would really appreciate opinions, Thanks bunnies! Ily so much. (Even though we just met, I feel like we've made some kinda connection, ya know?)

(Update coming soon)


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