9/11 failed suprise

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One day a boy named john.  It was Christmas and he was so exited.  He got up very early to see if Santa had came.  He saw lots of presents under the tree.  He was so exited that he woke his mom up very early. She got up and made him pancakes.

While they where eating,john said to his mom "when are we going to open presents?"

She said " After you are done eating and your grandparents,dad and uncle get here you may open your presents"

John got a little mad but then realised that it was 11:04 and they were all suposed to be there at noon.

After time passed, his relitives have finaly arived 18 minutes late. He was so happy when they got there that he jumped on them and huged them.

Then they went to the Christmas tree where all the presents were. His mother said to open the smallest one. John winned and then finnaly agreed to opening the present. When he opened it, it said "one plane ticket to New York, New York".  He was so happy that he forgot about his other presents. His mother said that they were going to see his dad in a couple of hours and that he had to go pack emidiatly. 

After they all packed, they headed to the airport to leave to go to New York. They waited at the airport for 30 minutes until they were called for there plane. They aboarded the plane and took off.  It took 8 hours to get to New York but it was worth it. They finnaly got to see his dad and they had an awesome Christmas together.

They spent 5 days together and then the mom,John, and the others went back to Iowa.

The next day they arived at there house and unloaded everythinng. They finaly unwraped the rest of the presents.John got a lot of cool toys and what not.

Then easter came and they went to New York again to see his dad. They could not live together because there works where far apart. After a week with his dad they went back home to Iowa.

After a few months they dissided to go to his dads house on September 11 2001. What they did not know is that there where going to die.After half off there trip, the plane started to rock back and forth. they had finaly realised what was happening and called Johns dad. They told him what was happening and that they wernt going to make it. He started to cry but after a couple of minutes the plane crashed into the north tower. Ever since then on September 11, the dad would go to the cemitary and respect everybody killed that day.  


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2013 ⏰

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