Chapter 1: This is me! My friends!

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y o u r  P O V

"Aru ca aru ca aru so meta careh!"

I was singing "Electric Angel," or at least what I thought words were-- I hadn't looked them up yet!-- and the Kagamines' version of it of course, to myself as I skipped down the street!

I couldn't wait to go home! It's what I look forward to after school.

You see, at school, I'm a normal girl. I guess you could even say I'm sorta popular!

I have a close group of 3 friends, and a passé of guy friends. I guess I'm pretty, it's not like I wear makeup to begin with anyways-- too much work!

But when I get home, that's where the fun begins. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled while running up the stairs. "Do you want lunch honey?" "I'm fine mom!" I was just about to go into my room when I found my nosy sister at the top of the stairs. "Mari moooveah!"

She had her hands on her hips at the top of the steps. Yesh, she's only a year younger than me but she acts like she's 10 years older. "Why do you always rush into your room everyday after school??" "That-" I said pushing past her into my room, "Is none of your business!" I slammed and locked my door.

"Ahh..." I let out a sigh of relief as I slid down my door. Then I sat there for a second or two, to make sure Mari wasn't eavesdropping. Then, I threw my backpack on my bed and sat down in front of my laptop. "Finnaly." I put on my headphones and mic in my favorite color-- they were custom made!-- then I turned on my laptop.

Loading. Loading, the screen said. "Come on!" I yelled as I hit the screen.


"Ah! Sorry Rin! I didn't see you there!" I spoke into the mic; Rin was rubbing her face, which was so close it was basically all I could see on the screen. "Sure you didn't. Hmph!" Rin turned away from me. "No wait Rin please don't be mad!" I said fake crying. She turned towards me with a smile, "Gotcha! Haha!" "Aha!" I laughed.

When I heard that the vocaloids got their own AI, or artificial intelligence program, I just had to get them. And by them, I mean Rin and Len Kagamine-- my favorite vocaloids! There's still the music editing software, but it's less advanced since the tech is focused on the vocaloids actually getting to help you make it!

"Where's Len?" I said squinting into the white backround around Rin's face. "Uh." Rin backed up so I could see her chibi and face torso. "Len! Len!" He called out into the white. "I'm coming I'm coming!" I bounced a bit in my seat.

I loved talking to Len the most. Don't get me wrong, Rin is my best friend-- virtually at least. But Len is just so, oh you'll see!

"Konichiwa _______-chan!" Len stood next to Rin on the screen, waving his chubby chibi arm. "Len hey!" I smiled with my eyes closed. The vocaloids are the only people who dot find this wierd, since their programmed to have some anime behavior. "Your back from school already?" "Yup! I have some homework to do though. Can you help me?" I looked up at the screen to see a blue-faced shocked Rin and a disapproving Len.

"U-uh, I just rembered! I have to go, uh, eat breakfast!"
"Rin, it's probably not even that hard."
"But I hate homeworrrrkkk!!!"
"Fine, I'll help her by myself then."
"Yay! Thank you onee-chan!"

Rin gave Len a death hug and skipped off the screen. 'I have to remember to change onee-chan to little bro.' "Ready?" Len was leaning against the screen like it was a railing, his eyes with a pixel calculator in them. I blushed and nodded and opened my book with a smile.

See, I know he's not real.

I didn't get to customize him a lot, it wasn't an option, but I took a test to generate what personality they would both have-- then I got to customize tiny things like how the view each other and one personality description. So, they basically are my dream friends.

But I don't care what people think. That someone can't have feelings for someone on the other end of a digital code. Rin and Len are 100% real to me, and that's all that matters.

Plus, I think Len's pretty adorable~!

Ever since I saw Electric Angel, I knew just had to have him!

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