Meet lucy

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Everyday was like a repeat. Every month like a relapse. And every year like the same routine over and over again. It seems like no matter how many times the record is changed or the song is switched we always come back to the same song, the same pathetic dance. Because at the end of everyday, I fail at being a guardian. Michelle refuses to eat, Romeo refuses to talk, and Luke refuses to make eye contact with anyone, his lips sealed shut as well.

Some days I think that this is all a bad dream. . . maybe a nightmare. That one morning we'll all wake up and mom and dad will be there, not in a grave. But everyday we wake up in the same dingy white bed, and everyday we struggle to just keep our shoes on. Every day has been a struggle since the car crash, since mom and dad vanished without even a kiss goodbye; it wasn't their faults but god damnit I really wanted that kiss goodbye. Just to feel their lips pressed against my temple or my cheeks would be enough. But at the end of the day it never is, because it never happens.

The ceiling was caving in. I recognized it when I watched thunder storms. Everyday felt like a battle just to get the small apartment we lived in clean. Mold and dirt growing like weeds and if I wasn't such a clean freak the house would be littered with it.

Michelle squirmed against my side, I watched carefully as her button nose twitched against sleep. Everything about Michelle screamed precious. Maybe apart of me wanted to keep her- them that way as long as possible. I wanted Luke to still be in love with dinosaurs and I wanted Romeo to like magic tricks; but they fell into the routine as much as I did. Everyday was a test and every breath was a war; I just can't remember what we're fighting for.

People like Natsu Dragneel didn't have to worry about that kinda stuff. He was a Dragneel! And everybody knew a Dragneel was someone- more like something that you couldn't mess with. They had the easy life, being popular, having make out sessions with any girl or guy they demanded. And if Natsu Dragneel was anything to go off of I was sure he did do just that. The teen was a walking sex ball, yet he wasn't. He was everything and nothing all at the same time and yet I couldn't help but he enraptured with him.

It's almost like Natsu was a light and I was a moth.

Authors thing:
Okay my pretties,
I've always wanted to do a cliffhanger hahaha anyways I don't own fairy tail or its characters

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