Was it JUST a dream?

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I couldn’t believe it. The old key fitted the lock and was starting to turn! Then, it opened. I opened the big, creaky brown door and cautiously stepped inside. I stuffed the key in my pocket and walked over to the nearest window. I opened it and looked out. I looked sideways down the big hill the house was perched on and saw a big town with cars and flats and shops and lots of people hurrying about. “What are you doing in there? It’s haunted you know.” Said Jack, a wimpy kid from my school. His big blue eyes stared at me. “How did you get in?” he asked, trembling. “I found a key underneath that big oak tree over there,” I replied, pointing towards the tree. Suddenly, the window slammed shut. Then I heard creaking of the floorboards coming from upstairs. I’ve always wanted to be a detective so I went to investigate. I crept towards the staircase. At the corner of my eye, I saw a white sheet looking thing, whiz past. “What was that?” I asked myself. I carried on going. Then I saw a foot on the staircase. I hid under a chair. Then a man appeared at the bottom of the staircase. He walked forward a few steps. My heart was thumping and I was scared incase he heard it. Luckily, he didn’t. He turned to his right and opened a well – disguised cupboard. He pulled out a sword. Surely, now days people don’t keep them in their cupboard? Then the man closed the cupboard, clutching the sword. Suddenly, he sat down. I looked at him closely. He was not wearing stuff like we do now, he looked like a guy from the Medevil times. He was wearing a black top made with satin and the sleeves were white, long and puffed. He also wore black satin trousers. His boots were made of leather and they had a big gold buckle on them. Suddenly, I heard more footsteps. When they got to the bottom of the stair case, I quickly peeked round to see who it was. It was a lady dress in a red satin dress. She was humming a little tune and skipping. She was only a young girl. All of a sudden, I heard a scream. Then a mans laugh. He walked forward, kissed his sword, span around and he disappeared. For the first time ever I was petrified. I looked down at my legs and they were not my jeans, but a dress! I didn’t even change! I was sure no one else was in the house, so I crept out from underneath the chair and saw the little girl who was singing, laying in a puddle of blood. “help me….I’m…dye…dye….dying!” she said, struggling to breathe. “What do I do to help you?” I asked. She didn’t reply, her eyes were wide open and she wasn’t breathing. She was dead. I witness it happen in front of my own two eyes. I was horrified. I ran to the main room and opened the window again. I looked out, and it was the same view straight ahead of me, but when I looked down the hill, the little town with flats and modern – looking building were gone. It was a few stone houses and a big farm. I shut the window and sat down on a wooden chair. “Get off my chair,” a voice boomed. Scared, I instantly stood up. “Hello, who’s there?” I looked left right up down but no one was there. “I am the owner of this house. What are you doing here?” My heart started thumping, my hands started getting sweaty and my breathing was quick. “ I er I was er just um looking. I um found a key outside…” I began, stuttering. “Well, now that I’ve gone. Look after this house, If you don’t I’ll haunt you forever,” he bellowed. Suddenly there was a cold breeze past my legs and the room suddenly felt less scary. “ I just want to go home,” I cried. I searched in my shoe, were I keep my phone. I was going to call my dad to save me. I looked in my shoe but all was there was a few stones. “MY PHONE, WHERE IS MY PHONE?!” I wailed. This place was too creepy so I decided to get out. I ran over to the door but it was locked. “how do I get out of here!” I asked myself. I decided as I was stuck here, I should take a look around. I went upstairs to find a bed in the middle of a room. Not far from it, there was a old fireplace. I went into another room. There was a single bed in the middle and another fire place. This must have been the little girls room. “How do they not get bored without a laptop, phone and radio.” I asked myself. “I can’t live without them,” I went back downstairs into the hallway with the cupboard. I opened the cupboard and saw a dead fox. I slammed it shut. “What is this place!” I looked through a door in the hallway and it led to another hallway. Cautiously, I walked down it. One door led to the kitchen and another to a bathroom. Well, really just a little hole. At the end of a hallway, there was a door. I opened it and there was a huge garden. I looked round the corner and saw a old woman milking a cow. “Excuse me,” I began. She looked startled. “Who are you?” She asked, kindly. “I’m Sophie,” I said. “Does the master know you’re here? If he don’t well, ah dear, your in trouble my darling,” she began. “He gets angry at trespassers.” She told me. I nodded. “Tell me more, miss.” I begged. She got herself comfy on her little stool and began. “Well, we’ve had three little boys come in here once, they all got stabbed by his golden sword.” My eyes opened. “Well, Miss, I need to tell you something, and you must trust me, I am telling the truth, hopefully you can help me!” She nodded. “I will try, now go on tell me your story,” she said, firmly. I rubbed my hands together. “Well, I am from the future, you know, 2011” I began. She laughed. “Do people still dress like that in many years time?” She asked. “No, let me explain. Well, you know that little town down the bottom of the hill with the stone houses and the farm?” the lady nodded. “Well, I live there and this house is still where it is in 2011. Everyone thinks its haunted and we all try and get in.” She smiled and nodded. “And earlier today I was playing up on the hill with my friends and found a key. It was by the oak tree. I put the key in the lock and it opened. All my friends ran away because they were scared but I weren’t. I stepped inside and looked out a window and saw a kid from my school. Then it slammed shut. I ran into the hallway and..” The lady sat up straight and pointed towards the sky. “Ah yes, that hallway takes you back in time.” I was amazed. “How do you know,” I asked. “I was from the 1900’s. I once was a child like you,” I jumped up and down. “well can you help me get back home?” I begged. “Yes dear, I know a way out,” I looked surprised. “If you know a way out, then why didn’t you go yourself?” She smiled. “The world was at war at the time and I wanted to get away. I came here and instantly, the master thought I was a pretty little girl and we got along very well. Also, I love animals so I work here in a farm.” She beamed and then she stood up. “I’ll show you the way out,” she pushed me towards a bush. She pushed a few leaves out the way and told me to walk through. I did. Suddenly, everything went black then I heard a familiar alarm clock go off. “WAKE UP TIME!” my mum shouted, poking her head round the door. I woke up. Luckily, it was all a dream...or was it? I put my hand in my pocket and found the key. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2011 ⏰

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