Knight in Shining Armor [Kathniel Fan Fiction]

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Kath has a knight in shining armor... :

I find it funny, how young girls believe in fairy tales. How they always want to find their very own prince, or knight. How they're sure that he'll come and whisk them away to a fantasy life of love, and everything will be 'happily ever after' from there on out.

I, however, was never one for…traditional…fairy tales. See, from the beginning, I always had this feeling that my knight, or prince, wouldn't be royalty. He would be more along the lines of my best friend…

Just think back to third grade…

"Dan, let's play!" called an six-year-old Miley, "Come on Liz! Let's play Princesses!"

"Princesses?" Dan and Liz complained together.

"Does that mean I have to wear a dress?" whined Liz.

"No," Kath said, "You can be…an alligator!"

"An alligator?" Liz asked skeptically.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Dan, "You can be a hungry alligator that lives in the moat that goes around the princess's tower and tries to eat the heroic knight!"

Kath and Liz giggled, and Dan looked confused.

"I get to be the heroic knight, right?" he asked worriedly, "Right?"

"Yeah, sure, Frizo," said Liz, "And you get to save princess Kath."

"Right!" Kath said, grinning. She climbed onto the highest point of the playground at Malibu Community Park, and looked down at her friends, "Dan, you have to save me from this tower, cuz the wicked wizard…Jackson…put me here. And he won't let me leave."

"Duh," interrupted Dan, "I wouldn't have to rescue you if he would let you out."

"That's true," Liz nodded in agreement.

"Come on! Let's play," Kath called impatiently.

Liz laid down in the sand surrounding the playground, and began to snap her teeth together, just like an alligator would. Kath put on her best 'damsel in distress' face, and Dan began to run around Lilly to get to the ladder to where Miley was 'imprisoned'.

"I'm coming, my princess!" Dan cried, "I'll save you from the evil wiz- OW!"

He bent down to Liz, and whispered loudly in her ear.

"Liz! You aren't supposed to really bite me!"

"Sorry," she replied. Kath giggled.

The game resumed. Dan ran back and forth, hoping to confuse Liz-the-alligator. It worked, and he darted up the ladder.

"Come on!" Dan called to Kath.

"Yay!" Kath cried excitedly. She was discovering that being the princess was boring. All she got to do was stand around and wait until she was rescued. Finally, she got to do something else!

"Sorry," said Dan, shrugging, "I don't have a noble steed, unless Liz…" He trailed off, looking to the ground, where Liz was shaking her head 'no' adamantly, "Nope. No steed."

"That's ok," Kath said, grabbing his hand, "Let's go before the evil wizard comes back."

"We can't go back down the ladder," Dan commented, "The alligator is waiting at the bottom, and wants to eat us." Liz gnashed her teeth again.

"This way," Kath cried, pulling Dan after her. The pair raced through the playground, stopping when they got to the monkey bars.

"Do you know how to do those?" Dan whispered to Miley.

"Sure," Kath whispered back, "Don't you?"

"Uh…yeah?" Dan answered uncertainly.

"Then let's go!"

Kath began to cross, Oliver right behind her, but suddenly about halfway through, she stopped.

"Dan, I can't do it!"

"Then drop," Oliver suggested.

"That's far!" Kath frowned, looking down, "My hands are slipping!"

Dan's were too, as he didn't really know what he was doing.

"I'll catch you at the bottom," he said, falling to the ground. Kath screamed slightly when he fell.

Liz was now watching interestedly from the other end of the monkey bars.

"Kath, drop!" Dan called, standing underneath her with his arms outstretched.

"A-alright…" she said quietly. She dropped off of the bars, and landed squarely in Dan's arms. The force of her landing, and her weight, however, caused Dan to fall backwards onto the ground. Kath and Dan lay on the ground in a heap.

"Are you ok?" Liz asked, rushing forward.

"Yeah!" Kath said, rolling off of Dan, and standing up, "My knight in shining armor saved me."

"I did?" asked Dan. He stood up, and brushed some of the sand off of his pants.

"Yes. You did. You saved the princess from her terrible fate," Liz said dramatically. Miley giggled, and Oliver blushed.

"You saved me. So, I still have to do something," Kath said, smiling.

She kissed Dan on the cheek. Liz gasped, and Dan turned redder.

"What?" Kath asked, "The princesses in movies always do that."

After that, the kiss was forgotten, and the children returned to their game.

"Hey, Dan," I walked up to him after our Algebra class, "Do you have the homework?"

I had basically just daydreamt the entire class period away, getting lost in childhood memories.

"Yeah," he said, pulling his notebook out of his bag, "Here."

"Thanks!" I cried, "I can't afford to miss another assignment. You just saved my life."

"Am I your knight in shining armor?" he joked.

"You'll always be my knight, Dan," I said, and kissed him on the cheek.

As I walked away, I saw a silly, reminiscent grin cross his face.

"Love you too, Kath," he called after me. I giggled.

My boyfriend was so weird.

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