The first day.

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As I walked into Roaring Waters high I was probably the most frightened that I have ever been in my life. Yes, I was a junior and yes I had been to many many different high schools but I have never, I repeat, NEVER, been to a high school in the south. My parents tell me theirs a first for everything but I didn't think I would ever do this. Their were cheerleaders in lines as I walked in saying things like "TODAYS THE DAY, PRROOOMMM NIGHT" and "GOOOO EAGLES!!" I don't think anyone noticed but I was having an anxiety attack, I was trying to find my way out of this crowd but everyone was just staring and chatting with their friends, I started feeling lightheaded and I guess the faculty members saw me because an ap pulled me aside and asked if I was alright. I was wearing a polo, khaki shorts and sperrys couldn't they tell I was trying to fit in and not be pulled aside on my first day. "Yeah I'm fine I've just never been in a school with so many students" I said jokingly. "Well that's Texas for you," he chuckled " So where you headed?" He asked politely. "I'm not really sure, do you know where room 2674 is?" He answered me politely and I headed to the first class. As I entered everyone stared, I could clearly see that the teacher had no control over this class seeing as everyone started to whisper amongst themselves and were in very clear and distinguished groups. There is the white girls in the front with their phones out and every color pen seen to the human eye on their notebook on their desk, the jocks sitting right behind them with no notes on their desk, but they were wearing jerseys and damn they looked good. All of the black kids sat together on the left side of the class and a couple emo kids sat in the middle but their was 3 open desks near the right so that's where I sat. This class was history and not only was it boring as fuck, I had no clue what to do. So I asked to go to the restroom and decided that I was gonna drive home. The only problem is that I have to walk all the way across the school to get to my car. As I was walking out the door I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Hey man I don't know if you're new here or something but you're really not supposed to leave during the school day." "Yeah I know that I just don't want to be here anymore", I replied sharply. "Well the red light by the camera is on which means the AP's are watching you right now so if you don't want to get your parking spot revoked I suggest you listen to me". I turned around so fast to off look at this sorry ass, thinking he's a teacher ass man and when I did I saw the most beautiful boy that I had ever seen in my life. I literally couldn't go off on him even if I wanted to. He was dressed in a grey long sleeve Columbia shirt, black nike shorts and dark Nike Free Runs, he was holding his football jersey that he should've been wearing like all the other players were. His jaw was sharp and his face looked chiseled like art. I just replied "yeah you're probably right, skipping is stupid anyways." I turned around to try and head back to class and as I was walking away I head his sneakers skid behind me. "Hey wait up! We haven't met, I'm chase" he stuck out his hand. I shook his hand gently and he shook mine so hard I thought it was broken. "I'm Martin and by the way, yes I am new here." He shot the biggest smile and looked right past me as if he forgot that I was even there. "CASS" he yelled as I turned to see that he was yelling at surprise surprise a pretty little blonde girl in a cheer uniform. She ran over and they hugged and kissed for a little before he remembered that I was still there. "oh cass by the way this is my new friend Martin" damn I'm already friends with a hot guy, Texas might not be so bad I thought. "Martin this is my girlfriend Cass." Okay maybe Texas is that bad, I fell for a straight guy. After exchanging a few words Chase invited me to sit with him a lunch, he said I could 'meet the guys' and I just agreed because he was hot. They continued standing there as I said "well nice meeting you" and went back to class. When I got back in the teacher gave me the dirtiest look, I just sat back at my desk and continued to think about how excited I was for lunch. After about a minute the jocks turned towards me mumbling to each other before one finally spoke up. "Is your name Martin?" "Yeah, Why?" "Chase told us you were cool, come sit up here with us man." I grabbed my stuff and moved up maybe this would be a good year after all.

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