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My names Jenny, Im 16 and I live in Atlanta, Georgia. The bus was suppose to pick me up from school today but I missed it, so I figured I'd walk home. It was May 18, the official last day of school and it was a hot near 100°. My highschool and my home are not that far apart, it was about a mile and plus I had my music with me so it wasnt really a problem. It was hot and humid but the sky was cloudy and gray. Im dressed up in nice shorts that show my curves and a tank top with some sneakers. So Im walking and Im listening to my music, blocking out the world. I see this boy looking at me and I see his mouth moving so I take out my earphones "what?," the boy says "oh nothing I was just saying how beautiful you are, can I have your number?," "Im sorry but I have a boyfriend and plus I gotta go home to help my grandmother," " well what do you need to help her with?," " shes sick , and not to be a bitch or anything but its really none of your buisness." I walk away from him and then when I looked back, he wasnt there, "thats creepy,"I let out a sigh. I start walking faster and just have one earphone in my ear. Im walking and then I pass two other boys and they had a car with them. " hey, you need a ride precious?," "no thanks Im ok," I keep walking. When I turn around they are gone even the car is gone. " what the fuck?."

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