The Station

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After arriving at the imperial star base, you are escorted to the medical bay for bacta treatment, after stepping off the bounty hunter's ship, he throws your blaster to you then leaves the station, you are escorted down the long durasteel corridors of the star base. going through a security checkpoint the trooper takes your blaster and has it taken to the armory so you can collect it when you leave.

After a week in a Bacta Tank, the medic orders you to lie down for a week to fully recover from your wounds. 3 days later, the star base comes under attack by a reasonable size rebel fleet, as troopers run past the medical bay to take defensive positions, you ask the medic whats happening, he replies "a rebel fleet just came out of hyperspace and are attacking the station! we are preparing to abandon the station." you then inquire "am i able to walk for now?" just before he replies, you hear a sudden crash. The Station PA system suddenly announces "boarding pods have breached the stations, all troopers to defensive positions, i repeat all troopers to defensive positions! this is not a drill."

You Slowly try to stand up but do not have the strength for it, you ask the medic if he can retrieve your gear from the armory, the medic replies "i need to move this medical equipment to the transports but im sure a trooper can help you out." a storm trooper rushes in saying "we have to move this gear out now, an enemysquad is-" he pauses "why is there still a patient here? you were suppose to get him out of here 15 minutes ago along with the others!" the medic replies in a state of panic "i was ordered to get the severely injured out first. hes not as important!" you feel insulted by his remark. he says "uh, sorry". you ask the trooper if he can escort you to the armory so you can recover your equipment. he says "alright but if i get in trouble its your fault".

The Trooper helps you walk to the armory so you can grab you stuff, 15 seconds after leaving the med bay, it is blown off the edge of the station by a missile from a rebel frigate. The Blast Door quickly shuts to prevent any units being sucked into the dark void of space. by the time you make it to the armory, most of the crew have abandoned the station. the trooper opens the door with his keycard and a rebel squad takes you by suprise. using stun shots, the rebel squad captures you but kills the trooper, they take you to the hangar aswell as your gear and prepare to move you to one of the rebel starships.

thats it for now but there will be another. just to clarify what Bacta is so people arent confused.
bacta is a liquid that heals open wounds of those exposed to it, its a quicker process to natural healing but its still fairly slow. bacta is almost as clear as water and you are required to wear a specialized breathing mask so you can survive the treatment process. they also knock you out for a while, hence the 1 week skip of being in the tank, aswell as the 3 days recovering on a bed.

thanks for reading this not so short story, if you like it share this story with people you think might like it. see ya in the next short story! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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