High school with naruto

624 9 16

I woke up from a very noisy sound yes you geussed write it was the alarm clock, I turned it off and took a quick shower I wore a short black skirt and a red tank top and put on my new black and red converse, I sighed once I got out of my house and walked to school

My name is suki kagaromi yes, I know my last name is weird

I am 16, i have long black curly hair that reaches bellow my back and i have bright brown eyes, and now I am walking to my boring old high school it is the beginning of a new year we just stated school a week ago I hate I everything about high school especially sasuke uchiha and i am glad that one of my friends hate him, the only thing I like about school is my freind we are a group of four including me and they are

Kimi takeda, she is a very nice person she has long purple hair that reaches bellow her back and has blue eyes

And there is rayna lukari, she has red wavy hair that reached her back and has green eyes

And last but not lest razaleena sakiru but she likes us to call her razel, she has dark blue hair that reaches her shoulders and has bright blue eyes I love them all and do you know why because we are the group of " OMTARG " we are the hottest girls in high school but people think we are weirdos witch we totally are.

When I was walking to school I saw kimi coming out of her house

Hey kimi!!, I shouted

Oh, hey suki!, kimi said waving and running to me

Did you do the homework, kimi asked, kimi was a brainiac at math and history

Nah, it was too hard, I said Lazily

OMG! This was the easiest homework ever!, kimi said

For you, I muttered and we kept on walking we finally reached school and we saw razel and rayna already there at the gates

Hey guys, me and kimi said

Hey, rayna said to us waving

DID YOU SEE SASUKE HE LOOKS SOO CUTE TODAY!!, shouted razel I blocked my ears so I wouldn't hear any yelling you could say that razel's personality is just like naruto's but in a girl version she's actually friends with naruto

Good for you, I muttered and if you haven't figured it out yet kimi is the only one in the group who hates sasuke as much as I do

Come on the bell rang, kimi said snapping me out of my thought and dragging me in the hallway we were as late as usual we always get in trouble after how many times we got in trouble together the teachers actually called us bye our group name the OMTARG, we reached class and I opened the door Reviling our teacher kakashi

Well well well if it isn't the OMTARG late again for class, kakahi said

Sorry were late, I said and quickly ran up to my seat and so did my freinds but someone was already sitting on it

Sakura get off my seat, I said

No, Sakura said smirking at me I just hated Sakura and ino big time I wish I could kick there asses

That's all rite you can go sit next to sasuke, kakashi said pointing to an empty seat next to sasuke


And I refuse for her to sit next to me, sasuke said in his emo voice

Shut up emo duck I don't want to hear your voice!, I shouted sasuke humphed and crossed his arms

I am sorry but you need to sit next to him suki-, before kakashi finished his sentence I sat on the ground

No I refuse, I said crossing my arms and shutting my eyes before I could open my eyes I felt someone carry me I opened my eyes to see kakashi carrying me to the seat next to sasuke

No no, let me go no no! , I shouted and tried to get off kakashi was strong i herd the class laugh so hard finally he put me down but he put me next to sasuke

If you get out of your place I will cut off 10 marks from your grade, kakashi said

No fair 10 marks for a seat!, I shouted

Life is not fair and pleas dont kill each other, its only one lesson,kakashi said and I herd the class laugh but the fan girls were growling at me except my bff's I crossed my arms very annoyed

If you bother me you are good as dead, I threatened sasuke

Let's see about that, sasuke said

Ok who did the math homework?, kakashi asked every one put their hand up even naruto! And I was the only one who did not do it

Humph loser, I herd sasuke mutter

So every one did it except suki, oh suki are you the only one who gets yourself in trouble by purpose, kakashi said sighing

Why didn't you do it?, kakashi asked it was a long time off silence until Sakura shouted out something

Ofcorse it was too hard for her stupidity!, I glared at her

Witch part didn't you understand?, kakashi asked

Everything, I muttered quietly so no one could hear

What I didn't hear, kakashi said

Everything, I said a bit louder but he still didn't hear but some of the class did and stated laughing especially sasuke but he only chuckled because he is an emo freak

SILENCE!, now I didn't hear say it a bit louder, kakashi said and before I could answer someone said it for me

She said she didn't understand anything, sasuke said smirking I felt like I wanted to punch him, this time every one was laughing but not my friends they looked sorry for me I covered my face in shame

So you weren't paying any attention in class yesterday?, kakashi said sighing

I nodded in shame and after that the bell rang and every one started packing there things

Loser, sasuke said walking away

Shut up duck butt, I said and started to pack my things too the whole class got out to eat lunch and only the group of the OMTARG and the teacher kakashi was left in the classroom

Can you three go I need to talk to suki alon pleas, kakashi said and my friends did as he ordered they waved goodbye and they left

Oh, crap I am in deep shit, I thought to myself


So how did you like the first chapter I hope you did I think you are wondering why we called our selves the OMTARG first off all I am making a story of me and my friends and all the problems that will happen is true and it is called the OMTARG because do you know omg we changed the g into targ and it became OMTARG and we made it targ because our real names are tala that is suki witch is me suki is me and then kimi is my friend assia and rayna is my friend razan and last one Ghina she is razel we all love naruto and we thought that if we made a story from us it would help us not to kill our selves for not being in naruto in real life so I hope you like it and see you next time




And if you don't comment then I will not update I want at least 10 comment but not from the same person pls pls pls I realy want you to comment no one ever comments me in my other books except my friend so pls pls comment any one see ya

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