Niam one shot yo

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Author's Note: Sorry for not updating for these past few days. School! :((( VOTE COMMENT!! <3 

Liam's POV

Its been a month.

Its been a month since i experienced happiness. And you know what is my happiness? My boyfriend, Niall. Yes, he's my HAPPINESS. But it was all gone when we broke up. Actually, I broke up with him. And i swear to god. I'm regretting it... A LOT.

I guess its time to get him back. But what if he dosen't want to? Well, there's nothing wrong with trying. I should drive to his home later, and tell him... I miss him so much.

Maybe i could tell him now. Its past seven in the evening. Maybe he's home. I grabbed my car keys and walked outside my door.

I'm getting a little bit nervous. I'm nervous because i dont know what to say! I'm fiddling my thumbs, wanting some words to come from my mind. But there's nothing. --emptiness fills my mind. I seriously hate my life.

As soon as i pulled over at the other side of Niall's home, i took a deep breath and walked out of the car. I crossed the street to get into his door. I took a deep breath again and rang his doorbell.

*ding-dong* I shrugged as i heard that tune. I stiffed up my quiff hair a little bit and fixed the sleeves of my checkered button-up shirt.

"May i help-- Liam?!" Niall was surprised as he saw me on his doorstep. I widely looked at his crystal blue eyes and saw the bags underneath it. I bet he can't sleep.

"Hey.. Niall." I greeted shyly. He shook his head, not believing what he is seeing.

"How is it going?" I continued, nervousness flowing into me. My heart beats faster, faster per millisecond i bet.

He shook his head again, shooting me a smug smile. I half smiled as a response.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, curiosity on his tone. I rubbed the back of my neck, finding the words to say.

I breathe out. "Uhm.." Before i can continue what i'm saying, rain started pouring that makes my clothes starting to get soaked.

Should i tell it now or i should let him think what's my reason of coming here? ugh i'm such wimp!

"Liam?" Niall asks, clearing all my thoughts.

"I want you back." I blurted out. It just came out immediately. I bit my tongue after.

"W-what?" Niall stutters. I took a deep breath. "I want you back." I confidentally said. My clothes are soaking wet. I hate him for not letting me in.

"You want me back?" He asks, returning the question.

I nodded. And the rain started pouring hard, more than i expected.

He laughs sarcastically. "Are you sure to what are you saying? Because i think its not true." I clenched my fists.

"Yes. I'm sorry i let you go on the first place. I didnt mean to do that you. I love you with all of my heart and i'm regretting everything happened since the last month. I'm sorry." I mumbled, tears staring to cover my eyes.

He just looked at me. He didnt saying a thing. When he saw a tear falling down, he quickly rubbed it with his thumb.

"I-Its okay. I'm sorry because i didn't give my best for this thing to work out. I do still love you liam... I still do." He responds, tears forming into his eyes too.

Before we could say a word, i crushed my lips onto his. Feeling his soft lips again after a month feels so good, Feels so right.

I didnt care about my clothes dripping, as long as i have niall, i can stay alive.

"I Love You, Niall. Can i have you back?" I asked, panting after the kiss. He moves closer, letting himself get wet too and presses his forehead against mine.

"Yes, I Love You too." Niall responds hugging me tightly. feeling all the dripping water that makes his clothes more wet. 

"So now that i got you back, can i come in?" I asked, chuckling at the words i let out.

"Yes you may." He answers and gives out a space to let me in. I walked inside and held his hand tight. I really missed it.

"I miss you." I blurt out. He smiles widely.

"I miss you too." He replies and crashes his lips against mine again.


Haaaaa! Whatcha think? :D Its a bit short but yeah thats all i can think. :) Give feedbacks yoooo!

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