My life was a horror story.
It was blunt.
Boring .... Despicable......
I sat by my window. Watching the cars going past... Sad and bored.....
I heard a recommendation of 'wattpad' from my friends who have discovered it before I had.
Sure, there are fan fictions, biographies, popular hits....
But nothing beats the book I have only just discovered..
This is a special shoutout to @thefreakoffreaks
She made my life worth it!!! She brought me out. She made me think. Her AMAZING soon-to-be-best-book-of-the-century creation 'Mr.Popular and I' has been my ENTIRE LIFE for the few days I had only just found it.
There is too much to say
To do
So all I can say is
Read her books or there will be a devil in Your fridge, hanging the next morning you read this.
Love you all! :)