Chapter 1

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Hello - I answered the phone. It was my best friend Grace calling.

Hey Blair! It's that you? - she asked.

Well if it's my cellphone I think it will be me answering it, dont you think? - I said.

Finally! I been calling you since a while and you wouldn't answer! - she said extremely agitated.

Yeah, now I see your missed calls. I'm sorry, I was taking a bath. But tell me, what's that so important you had to tell me that you couldn't wait until see me tomorrow at school?

It's not something I have to tell you, it's something I need to know.

Then what is it? - I asked full of curiosity.

Is it true that you broke up with Jason?

Oh My God! Seriously? I mean, news really run fast in Rydell's high school!

OMG! So it's true? Why?

Because I got bored of him. Should there be any other reason for me to breake up with him?

I can't believe this! I mean, you're a jerk! You're a crazy asshole! - she said while giggling.

Thanks for the compliment dear - I said in an extremely sassy way.

People definitely don't know you. Everybody thinks that you're a good girl, a saint, that you never doe anything wrong, that you're in church everyday. Gosh! And look at you! You're actually a bitch! I can't be your friend, you're a bad influence for me. Seriously!

I laughed out loud and then calmly said:

Ok, then I'm hanging up.

No! Wait! I wan't all the details! - she said excited.

No way! I'm really sleepy and we have school tomorrow. So I will tell you tomorrow in the morning. I'm hanging up!

No! You can't do this to me! I'm your best friend! - she said while I hang up, those were the last words I heard from her before going to bed.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them it was already morning and I was late for school, as usual. Didn't have time for breakfast so I had to bring with me an apple and eat it in the car while going to school. My driver Edgar was waiting for me as allways, I could say that this guy was a very loyal one.

Soon I arrived at school and when I got out of the car I could feel my phone vibrating on my pocket.

It must be Grace - I thought, but it wasn't. Actually it was a message from Jason that said:

"I need to see you, come to the rooftop inmedietaly".

What's with this guy? I'm sure he can't get overme yet.

Of course I wasn't planning on going to the rooftop to meet him. I mean, if he has something so important to tell me he will come to me and say it, like a real men.

When I entered the classroom everyone was staring at me, but not because of my beauty but because they were curious about what happened between Jason and me and if I actually broke up with him and not he with me.

I sat on my chair and then Grace appeared form nowhere and sat on hers, that was in front of mine.

Tell me now! I wan't all the details! - she said excited and full of curiosity.

But everybody was looking at us, trying to read my lips to know what actually happened.

You know what Grace? I'll tell you later. In this place even the walls can hear.

Are you kidding me? I'm dying of curiosity Blair - she said agitated, but I had an excuse to not answer to her questions because Mrs. Robbinson was coming and she doesn't like to see us talking in the classroom, specially if the topic are rumors.

When we got out of the classroom I was ready to tell every detail of what happened between Jason and me to Grace, until Jason came extremely furious and said:

I told you to come to the rooftop!

Me? When? Throught text? - I acted dumb and checked my phone - Oh! Here it is! I'm sorry, I didn't saw it. But tell me now, what's so urgent you had to see me at the rooftop?

Come with me - he said while dragging me from one arm to a corner where we could be alone.

Ouch! You're hurting me! - I cried, I mean, he's the football team captain, he sure is strong.

What do you want? - I asked.

I wan't you to tell everybody that I broke up with you and not you with me.

HAHAHA - I laughed out loud - Seriously? Why? Do you feel humilated?

Yeah! How am I going to explain that the "school's saint" broke up with me because she got "bored".

No don't say bored in a sarcastic tone 'cause I actually got bored of you - I said.

Yeah, whatever! I wan't you to do what I said or I'm gonna show the whole school this video of you making the most embarassing moment ever while drunk.

Oh My Gosh! No! I completely forgot about the existence of that video in Jason's phone. I had to do what he was asking me for or my whole good girl image will be ruined in front of my parents and nobody will vote for me to be the class president. No! That can't happen! I can't lose the president position to Ashley Cooper.

It was already night, after taking a bath I took my laptop and sat on my bed.

It's time for some positive quotes - I thought, while opening my class chat in the school's personal web.

"Always remind yourself that it's okay not to be perfect" - I wrote.

Done. Now let's see how many fans do I have. - I thought, while in the comments all I could read were positive ones.

"OMG! You're so right Blair!"

"Everyone should think like you in our school."

"That's right! You will definitely win to become the class president."

Yeah, yeah. I know everyone's in love with me. - I thought until I read a comment that said:

You suck! You're never going to have the class president title!

When I saw the name of the user it was the only person I expected to write something like that to me...Ashley Cooper. That Bitch!

I took a deep breath and, looking for the best words to shut her up without making myself look like a loser like her, started to write her a reply. I kept writing and thinking how badass I am until I received a notification that Jason posted a video in our chat. When I cliked in the notification to watch the video I saw comments from all types, some people deffending me, others saying how badass I was and then there was this one from Ashley Cooper saying that she allways knew I was that kind of person. But, what video did Jason posted? No! No way! It can't be that video! I didn't wanted to watch the video but people kept writing comments and asking for an explanation from me so I didn't had any other choice than took all the braveness I had and watch the video. Yes, it was that video and then I realized how ruined is my life and how I'm never going to be the class president.

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