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{peyton's pov}

"-And they lived happily ever after. The end," the narrator on the television spoke as credits started to roll up the screen that was slowly fading to black, 'Ever After' by Carrie Underwood beginning to play.

"Alright munchkin, bed time." Dad said in a hushed tone as he switched off the TV. I yawned and nodded, making him chuckle.

He gently slipped out from underneath me to stand up, my head having been on his lap. He crouched down and put one of his arms underneath the backside of my knees while his other hand cradled my neck. Lifting me up he held me close and carried me to my room, where Mom was already waiting, sitting at the edge of my bed. Through my half-closed eyes I watched her get up and pull the covers back, before Dad set me down carefully. He pulled the covers up to my chin as I turned on my side to face both my parents. Dad leaned down and he pressed his lips to my forehead, kissing me goodnight.

"Goodnight, my little princess," he said.

"Goodnight, Daddy," I smiled. He then moved away and Mom sat down on the edge of the mattress again.

"Sweet dreams, baby. I love you," she leaned down to kiss my forehead as well.

"I love you too, Momma."

She smiled before standing up, both of them leaving the room. On the way out, Mom turned on my nightlight, and then shut off the other lights before closing my bedroom door. I sighed and shut my eyes, another yawn escaping me before I let sleep overcome me.

I was woken up later to the sounds of crashing. I shot up in bed, startled by the sudden cries of my mother.

"Mom?" I called out, just a bit scared.

"No, stop! Jeremy!" I heard her call my dad's name, followed by another choked scream.

I threw the covers off my body and raced to my bedroom door, opening it just a crack before peeking my head out. The hallway was clear, except for a few smashed picture frames that once hung on the walls. I was careful while going around the glass as I ran to the kitchen. Dad was by the backyard door, holding some... some thing... against the wall as he held up a piece of sharp, pointy wood. I whimpered quietly in fear when I saw him stab the wood into the thing's chest. The thing fell to the floor and I looked away, not wanting to see it bleed. My brown eyes moved over to where the couch was, and they connected with bright, scary looking red ones. The thing was holding something in its arms, and me being curious looked down to see what it was.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I gasped, seeing Mom lying limp in the thing's arms. The moonlight shined through the window just enough for me to see her eyes wide open, red liquid that looked like blood running down her neck.

"Daddy!" I cried out, my eyes moving back to the red ones as I slowly backed away. I was barely holding back my tears as the red faded away, being replaced by a light green.

"Margaret!" I heard my dad yell, before I was scooped into his arms, and held securely against his chest. The thing's eyes left me and focused on Dad before I felt a breeze pass by me quickly.

I looked at Mom again, who was now lying lifeless on the couch. The thing was nowhere to be seen. I finally started to cry and buried my face in Dad's neck. He cradled my face, his hand running over my hair as he rested his cheek on the top of my head.

"Sh, Peyton, sh. It's okay now, you're okay," he soothed as he swayed back and forth. But I wasn't okay, I'd just witnessed my mom die.

I wish I had known that wouldn't be the last time I saw those green eyes.

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