Prologue - I'm dead

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Author's note:

Hey! My real name is Shenalyn. I'm Filipino so English is really not my original language so please don't be rude if I spelled a word wrong or if I wrote something with the wrong grammar.. Please? You can comment and correct me but please, save your rude comments.

If you don't like the celebrities I chose for the characters, it's okay. Use your imagination. You can imagine Jane (Chloe) as Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ariana Grande, as a model you like or even as a Kpop singer.

Please give me your opinions on each chapters and vote also! That would encourage me on updating more frequently :) Enjoy this chapter!

Ps: Jane Smith wears glasses :)

MWTB: Prologue - I'm dead

Jane Smith

I close the door with a sigh, another exhausting  day of school is finished. I take off my bra and my jeans and throw them somewhere in my room because I'm such a very organized person like that. I put on my sweatpants and like I always do every time I come home from school, I grab my laptop and go through all my notifications on Twitter, Tumblr  and Facebook. Like most of the population of teenagers, I prefer locking myself inside my room and stay on the internet for hours than going on parties, shopping and stuffs like that.

Yeah I wear nerdy glasses, read too much books and have high grades at school but I'm not that much of a nerd you know, I'm a bit of a rebel too. I have a boyfriend and only two of my best friends and my stepsister knows it. Well, I'm planning on telling it to my mother before she'll finds out herself though. Also, once, I pretended on feeling sick so that my mom won't let me go to school. That was on third grade. 

I open my messenger and click on my boyfriend's name.

*Hey how was school today?*

*Boring as usual. How about you?* He replies.

*Same. I miss you.*

*I miss you too. Don't worry, only three months of waiting then we'll finally see each other.*

We're in a long distance relationship. We met on my best friend's birthday, which is his cousin, almost a year ago. He went here for her birthday and also to celebrate Christmas with his other cousins. My best friend, Julia, settled us up so I owe her for that. In return, she wants me to find her perfect match. I settled her up with some really nice guys these past few months but she just can't find her "The one". It's not easy to find a guy who has her exact personality!

Well, back to me and my boyfriend, we planned on seeing each other this past summer but his mom got sick so the plan was cancelled. His mom told him not to cancel our plan but I told him to stay with her mother until she gets well. So instead, he'll come and visit here this Christmas break. I can't wait.

"Dinner!" My mom yells from downstairs. I roll my eyes. Typical loud moms.

I tell him that I love him and that I'll talk to him again later then close my computer and head downstairs to eat dinner before my mother transforms into Hulk.

*Goodnight to you too my princess* I smile at his message. We just finished chatting for hours again. I'll never get enough of him, never.

I post a status saying "I love you my prince" and tagging him on it before finally drifting to sleep.


I groan when my alarm starts to ring. I press the snooze button before rolling over to my side. Not that I hate school, I'm just not a morning person.

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