Black luck

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Chapter 1 - room 236

"It's gonna be ok valentina, we're only going to be here until we find a place"

"That's not even the point mom, we're going to a shelter, A SHELTER, that's where people with no jobs and issues go so that they don't have to face they're problems"

"I am not running away from my problems, I'm trying to give your sister and you a better place to live while school starts !" She said in a forceful tone

I could tell she was just as frustrated as I was. So I stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.

As my sister and I rode at the back of my mothers friends car my sister sabrina sat there quietly thinking to herself, her hair was tied up and i could see her face clearly, and all i saw was sadness, and disappointment, I don't want to be disappointed with my mother, she tried so hard and it's normal to make mistakes.

I lay down at the back of the car and thought to my self all the things we could have done better, so we didn't have to be in this situation

My family's luck is terrible, it's been so dark these past few months, it all started when my mom lost her job. No money was coming in, which meant no money to pay the rent

We were forced out of our home to go find some where else to live, first we went to my cousin in London's house we were ok there, it was nice and comfortable...... Honestly I don't know why we left there my mother felt that my great grand parents were in need for our help, and of course she was right they were in the same predicament as us but things got better for them.

My mothers senses were always stronger than my sisters and mine 

She was a rabbit after all so she was more sensitive to these types of things. I guess it's pretty cool to be able to have animal "features" but at the same time it's very important for us to not let others know.

As a rabbit my mother has very quick reflexes and a very keen sense, she knows when one of us is hurt or are not feeling good. Along with that if she gets scared or overly worried her ears and little rabbit tail will pop.

My mother is very thin with long puffy hair, lately she's been dying her hair because she doesn't like gray hairs, her hair is now less shiny and dry. Because of my mothers image she fits being a rabbit perfectly big eyes, small, delicate.

My whole family is like this and who ever Marries into my family will have their inner animal come out as well.

We were still stuck and school was about to start for Sabrina and I. So my mothers last resort was to stay at a shelter, I'm still not happy about it but its best I guess.

I stopped thinking after we hit a speed bump and my head hit off the floor. Then I remembered my dance group and my band, at least I have these two things to get me out of being in there all the time, and with the gigs and recitals I will have it will be even better.

We came to a sudden stop my ears and tail popped out instantly. Sabrina started to make a joke about it

"Awwww is the poor little kitty afraid of a little shelter, well there's no need to worry we're only at the coffee shop"

"So you decide to talk now, brat you know just cause your twelve it won't stop me from clawing your face up"

As you can see I'm a cat, now the good thing about being a cat is I can transform into any type of cat in the world that's what makes me very special,

they found this out when I was three I got threatened by a coyote in my back yard and instantly turned into a tiger

we have very special family doctors that deal with people like us there are about two other family's in Canada that have our abilities.

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