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Rynn Townsend grew up in a science oriented area, Esthar City. She had a very good education; her mother pushed her to learn science, which Rynn disliked. While expanding her knowledge and learning to protect herself, she found out that she was exceptionally good with magic, something that caught people's attention, President Laguna included. The two became very well acquainted over time.

Rynn's father, an Esthar Soldier, died during Adel's reign -- protecting his wife and unborn child, and the people of Esthar.

Rynn's mother was a high-rank scientist who helped create the OSC that keeps Esthar city hidden, but she passed away from illness when Rynn was only 10 years old. Afterwards, Laguna became her guardian, and they developed a strong father/daughter relationship.

No longer wanting to be 'caged' in Esthar, Rynn asks Laguna to be enrolled in Balamb Garden. He allows her to go, after little thought, which confuses Rynn. However, when she leaves, he can't help himself from shedding a few tears.


It's been nearly a year since Rynn enrolled in Balamb Garden, and the SeeD Exam is right around the corner. When she gets chosen to become the leader of Squad D, nervousness overwhelms her.

Does Rynn have what it takes to be a SeeD?

Can she keep Squad D alive through the battle?

Or will she wind up getting them killed?

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