I was alone in a room, then farted. after that, I was accompanied, then farted. I laughed at my friend, then farted. I looked at my friend then she farted. I ran in circles then farted. I ate dinner, than died from my fart. I woke, then blasted a fart that put the world to sleep. I got free gas for my car and snacks for my gas blower. everyone woke up and the world went back to normal. after that, i went to the store and released. then i went to a swimming pool and my favorite advice comes now, release and swim away. dont like it, then run away u dummy. I'm sorry, this is all true and you better like or...wait...wait ahhhhhhh... Ok I'm done. I released and am now running away. I dare you to fart on some ones face. Also, it has to be a stranger. Instructions to help are below...
0. Put a mask on before you do any of this
1. First, find a stranger
2. Then, pin her/him down
3. Lift thy bottom and release
4. Now, if you made it this far, run away as fast as you can.
5. Hide until the heat dies down
There, now your done! Now be of service and follow meee! Just kidding. Here's a dare, shall you choose to except it? Read Attack of the Aliens. Just search it and you will find it, tuh duh. look at that, you are one smart cookie if decide to read it if not, then you are special and need help see you later.