Tales of The 16 Year Old (God) Mother

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  • Dedicated to Cian Sawyer

Chapter 1: Rylee Arrives

I guess you could say I was excited to see them and for the first time in about two years I was about to. I stood in the stuffy, crowded waiting area and waited for a familiar face to arise from all the tired faces shuffling about in the airport. My mom, looked at me, and stroked my hair gently to calm me down, she knows how I can get when I'm excited. I was too nervous to even swallow, the lump in my throat grew bigger with every passing cranky, worn-out face. 

Where was Rylee? She was taking too long and I had so many things I wanted to tell her. Rylee was the only person in the world who understood me, and successfully helped me through every identity crisis I went through- and trust me, I've had my fair share. That's one thing I thank God for everyday, the fact that when I was adopted, I was adopted with my sister. We have each other, and we always will. She has always gotten me through though times in my life and if I know one thing's for sure, I know I can always count on my sister. 

Finally! I see her off in the distance, struggling with the a giant orange stroller containing her two sleeping tots. Her husband-Logan- following close behind struggling with all the bags. My heart skips about two beats and I try to control my feet from running up and attacking her. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my mom start moving towards Rylee's direction, and try to follow closely behind without looking like I'm too excited. We finally meet up with Rylee and Logan, and mom embraces them each with a slightly stiff hug- she has never been good with the whole emotion thing. When Rylee turns to see me, I expect a huge hug and an exasperated "I've missed you so much!" Instead I get a small hug and a casual "hey" as she fixes the fly-aways in her hair. My embrace with Logan felt more loving.

We all loaded up into the car and my sister sat in front with my mom.

"How's everything?" My mom asked as a pathetic attempt to make small talk.

"Everything is good,  we've all been really busy trying to get back to school shopping done before Violet and Connor go back to school... So packing was hell." Rylee answered trying to eliminate the awkwardness. Neither Rylee or me have ever had a good relationship with my mom, so all the conversations we have with her, always have a hint of awkwardness in them. 


This time Logan takes a shot to disturb the awkward silence. He turns to me, and says, 

"So.... How's school?" Typical. Logan has always taken time to warm up to me, when he warms up, we are good friends. But until then, I'm stuck with the small talk.

"Pretty good, I'm tring to bring up my grades and I'm taking a few honors classes." I know Logan doesn't care, and I try to appreaciate the effort, but the fact that he always needs time to warm up always makes me annoyed. Like, why can't he already be warm so I don't have to suffer through all that small talk, when both of us know he doesnt care?

I decide to return the favor.

"How are things in New York?" 

"Good, we just moved into a new apartment, its pretty big! Rylee and I are so happy! Did Rylee tell you, Ms. Taylor?" This time, I admire Logan for trying, striking up a conversation with my mom is never easy.

"No, she never told me. Good for you." She says with less emotion than a brick. The bland answer discoruages anyone from trying to make anymore small talk. So, the whole trip home was done in silence. No, let me rephrase that, the whole trip home was done in awkward silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2011 ⏰

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