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"Everybody this is Mary Keogh it's her first day so be nice to her" "Excuse me, it's actually Mary-Claire Keogh." exclaimed Mary-Claire on her first day of our school. She had moved from her old house in Arklow to Kildare because of what she did in her last school. Mary-Claire was every quiet and shy but it's always the quiet ones that do this sort of thing.
​Mary-Claire quickly became friends with Sarah, Jenny and Craig. They were all in the same group and sat beside each other in every class. But of course they didn't know what Mary-Claire did in her last school; nobody did, besides her victims.
​One day during English class Craig whispered "Mary what did you get for question two?" Mary-Claire responded by saying "My name is Mary-Claire I will not respond to Mary or Claire only Mary-Claire!" Craig was absolutely shocked with Mary-Claire's sudden outburst and just said sorry. He later told Jenny and Sarah what happened in English class and they were shocked as well. Mary-Claire didn't seem like the type of person to lash out at someone because they said her name wrong.
​During P.E. the class was playing a very intense game of basketball. Mary-Claire got the ball and went threw it to the basket and she won the game for her team. Everybody was chanting Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary-Claire was so annoyed she had enough of people calling her Mary she screamed at the top of her voice "MY NAME IS NOT MARY IT IS MARY-CLAIRE IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU PEOPLE CALLING ME MARY" she stormed out of the room and ran home. She was thinking of how she could get people to stop calling her Mary. She realised the root of the problem was Jenny, Sarah and Craig. They were her close friends and they didn't call her Mary-Claire. She decided that she would fix this problem the same way she fixed it in her last school.
A few weeks had passed and Mary-Claire decided to put her plan into action. She asked her mother could she invite 3 friends over this weekend. Her mother Jackie was concerned that having 3 people over was a bit much. But she finally agreed to have Sarah, Jenny & Craig over on a Friday afternoon. Jenny, Sarah and Craig were delighted with the invitation to Mary-Claire's house but she also told them that her mother would not be there because she was going to a hairdresser's exhibition in Dublin for the weekend and they would be home alone. On Thursday Jenny was very nervous about going to Mary-Claire's house she felt like something bad was going to happen to them. Sarah and Craig told her they were going to be ok and that Mary-Claire wouldn't harm a fly.
Sarah, Jenny and Craig arrived at Mary-Claire's house. They played Just Dance on the Wii while Mary-Claire was making food for everyone. She was making chips and nuggets for them. Mary-Claire shouted "the food will be ready in just a minute take a seat at the table". Jenny nervously sat at the dinner table. Craig asked her if she was ok because she was a white as a ghost. Jenny said "I'm a bit nervous about being hear Mary-Claire scares me".
Mary-Claire overheard what Jenny said and thought that was it and stormed into the dining room with a craft knife she stole from the art room. She pointed the knife at everyone and made them stand up or she would cut them. Mary-Claire pushed them down to the bottom of her garden where she had a concealed three house.
Mary-Claire climbed up the ladder and opened the door and a big black bird flew out, Mary-Claire fell to the ground with shock and Jenny, Sarah and Craig were laughing historically at her. Mary-Claire was getting annoyed now and chopped Craig's finger off. He was in agonising pain and Sarah and Jenny were shocked they realised Mary-Claire was serious. Everyone was in the three house and Mary-Claire was threating Jenny by putting the knife very close to her. Jenny was so nervous she knew something bad was going to happen.
Mary-Claire went over to Sarah who was equally as shocked as Jenny and Craig. Mary-Claire said "I think I will cut off your eyebrows because you called me Mary not Mary-Claire". Sarah screamed "not my eyebrows". Mary-Claire got close and closer to Sarah. Mary-Claire was about to cut off Sarah's eyebrows when Sarah pushed her back. Mary-Claire realised that she wasn't going to kill Jenny, Sarah and Craig like she did in her last school. Mary-Claire got up and ran as fast as she could never to be seen again.
Everybody was shocked they called an ambulance for Craig's finger and he said "I guess we should have called her Mary-Claire not Mary".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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