Hetalia Character X Reader- Switzerland X Reader

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   You walk up to the animal clinic happily. I finally get to work with animals! You think to yourself before stopping just short of the intrance hearing several crashes and and bangs, followed by the sounds of cats and dogs. You rush inside immediately hoping everything was alright. You come in to see a bunch of cages and bowls of food on top of a very angry looking blonde. You blink several times in confusion before helping the man up. "A-Are you alright?" you ask with a look of concern on your face. "Yea, I'm fine. Just help me catch these animals." the man growls looking very frustrated.

   The two of you scramble around the clinic for about 15 minutes trying to catch all of them and put them back in there cages. You catch about three animals, two dogs and one cat before a nice looking woman with long brown hair and green eyes appears in the room. "Eh, what happened here?" she asks very confused. The grumbling blonde comes up holding a puppy and a cat in his arms and mummbles, "S-Sorry....I was trying to carry some cages and food bowls at once and I tripped..."

"Oh, my. Well, you're the senior assistant here so, I'll leave you to handle it." the woman chirps with a bright, encouraging smile. He nods and heads off hurridly.

"Senior assistant?" you question suprised.

"Oh, yes. He's been working and helping me out here for a long while now. He doesn't show it in public often, but he has a way with animals."

"Oh, I see..." you glance back at the boy gently putting a dog back into it's cage. "Well, thank you anyways. I'm glad to be working here!" you smile happily at the woman.

"You're very welcome! Elizaveta Hedevrary!" the woman shakes your hand cheerfully.

"_________." you reply with a sweet smile. You return to the now seemingly calmer blonde boy, having become interested in him. "Umm...excuse me, what's your name?" you try at him.

"Vash. Vash Zwingli." he responds with a straight expression.

Eeesh. That was...cold.

"Well, I'm ________. I hope we do well working together." you try to smile, but it ends up becoming more of a grimace. You get up and he then speaks up.

"Where are you going?" he asks for some odd reason.

"We have a dog to wash, where else?" you say as you continue to walk away and he soon follows behind you.

   A little while later the two of you are scrubbing and rinsing an extremely fluffy and disbedient husky. "W-wait! No! You have to stay in the tub!" you squeak as the large dog continues to try and jump out. Vash chuckles to himself a bit and you frown. Then suddenly the dog jumps out at another angle and topples you to the ground. "Eeeeeek!" you scream as a wet dog licks your face. Then to Vash's suprise you start to laugh looking genuinely cheerful. You then get up and proceed to dry the dog. "Well if you wanted to get out that badly." you start at the dog with a grin. You then stand up still in a playful mood and blow bubbles onto Vash's hair. He looks at you confused and almost distraught.

Okay, play time over. Not a good idea...

Just then he snaps you out of your thoughts blowing bubbles onto you with a smug look on his face. "Oh, you're really asking for it now!" you chirp engaging in the bubble war you didn't even know someone who looks so serious was capable of. You giggle at the sight of the bundle of suds on top of the swiss man's head. He smiles timidly and throws a towel over your shoulders. "Here, you'll catch a cold if you stay wet like that for too long." he exclaims regainging his regular hardened expression but with a light blush on his face.

   Later that day while you're tending to the cats you hear Vash and Elizeveta speaking in the other room. Even though you know it's wrong, you curiously listen anways.

"So, what do you think of her?" Elizeveta's voice.

"I....I suprisingly like her.....she reminds me alot of Lilli, but I like her in a different way..." Vash's voice trailed off and you can tell he is becomeing sheepish.

"Glad to know you've finally found someone Vash!" Elizeveta chirps excitedly.

"I haven't found someone--" Vash is cute off.

"Don't lie to me." she says with a stern sounding voice.

"Maybe I have found someone..." Vash confesses seeming to have given up on trying to deny. Your face burns red as you scurry away from the door. He....likes me? You think to yourself. You decide this thought makes you happy and that you like him too. "He likes me..." you whisper to the cat you're holding with a smile.


  It's the next day and you've been taking care of the cats that day when Vash suddenly sits beside you and begins to help you finish taking care of them. "Oh, thanks." you say with a small smile as you put one of the cat's water bowls back. "No problem." he says back with no expression at all. He just continues to fill the food bowls, not saying a word, but sitting strangely close to you.

Well thanks for the enthusiastic response. There's that recluse we all know and love.

You turn to him to ask him a question, but stop when you notice something. His shirt is a little off-set and you notice a cross-shaped scar on his shoulder. "Umm, I don't mean to be rude, but what happened...?" you ask him looking worried. "Oh, it's just a battle scar. I got it along time ago protecting a friend.." he explains seeming to cringe at the memory. "Oh, sorry for asking.." you trail off, deciding it was none of your business in the first place. "It's okay, to be honest, you're the first person I've ever shared that with." he says with a small smile. Then what happens next catches the both of you off-gaurd. Vash quickly pecks your cheeck, blushing furiously. He looks away a bit embarrassed, "Thanks for listening.." You touch your cheeck in shock at what had just happened and a crimson blush spreads across your face. You then kiss him on the cheeck and hug him quickly, but when you start to pull away he already has his arms around you.

You have and since then been one of the only people able to get to this hermit that just so happens to have a soft spot for you.



From creator: sorry it's so short! I'm really tired and it's like 1:00 in the morning and I had to delete the first one because it was total crap sooo yea! Hope everyone enjoys!

Hetalia Character X Reader- Switzerland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now