The Frame

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I awoke with cold feet. I shifted around on my bed until my feet felt warm once more. Then I was back to the dreamy world I was once in a second ago.

"Crack!" My eyes had opened wide and my heart was beating quickly. I sat up in my bed and looked around to see what had made that loud noise. I didn't notice where it had come from until I got out of my bed and walked around the room to find a picture frame that had fallen from a top shelf lying there on the floor with glass around it shattered. I sighed and bent down and picked it up leaving behind the glass shards. I looked around the see how it had fallen. Nothing unusual could have knocked it down.

"Must have been the breeze from the air conditioning" I said sighing once more. I looked at the picture inside the now broken frame. It was a picture of me,my wife and our son that we took last Easter. I smiled slightly before I put it to the side and walked out of the room to find a sweeper. Upon looking for the sweeper I saw the pile of mail in front of my front door.

"I really need to check those soon" I said to myself right as I ran into the sweeper. I pulled the sweeper into my room and started to sweep up the glass shards. I put the sweeper back where it was when I ran into it. I bent down and began to pick up the mail scattered all over the floor in front of my front door. I sat down on the dusty couch and began to read the addresses of the mail.

"Child Support, Lawyers office and, House bill." I sighed and set them down on the desk table next to me. I got up and went into the kitchen and started making me some breakfast. Someone knocked on my door and I walked over and opened the door.

"Hey Jerry." My eyes widen.


"I'm just here to drop off George" Then George pops out of no where in front of me. I kneel at his level.

"Hey George! How's my little boy!" I smile as he hugs me.

"You are getting to be so big!" George giggles and runs off I stand up.

"I am going to be out of town this week and my babysitter quit" She said.

"Okay I'll watch him." I hear the television turn on in the background.

"Thank you!" Anna runs off and gets into her car. I wave to her before shutting the door.

This is going to be a long week.

"George can you please turn that down a bit I have to call someone" He turns the television down slightly. I smile at him to give him the message thanks. I walk into my bedroom and dial the number for the lawyers office that is on the letter in the envelope.

"Hello I was calling to speak to my lawyer about my divorce papers I got back in the mail"

"Yes I'll hold Thanks"

~ 1 hour later~

I walk back into the living room and find George playing with his toys.

"Hey George you want to go to the store!" I say in a fun cheery voice while smiling at him.

"Yeah!" He replies jumping up from his toys.

"Lets get your jacket and go!" I help him put his jacket on and he head out of the house and into the frigid cold weather.

"Nothing like a cold breezy morning in Montana" I thought to myself. We jump into the car and head off to the store. I turn on the radio to 96.8 station. Children's music began to fill the car. George started to dance to it and I began to laugh at it.

"Old McDonald had a farm!" He sang out loudly. We arrive to the store and I get out and open George's door to find him asleep.

"Wakey wakey George" I whisper.

"We are here at the store" His eyes open instantly and he smiles at me. I unbuckle him and lift him up and out of the car carefully putting him on the ground. On the way inside I held George's hand so he wont wander off.

"Hello Good Morning!" Said the worker lady as we walked in the store. I nod and smile at her as to say "Thank You" back. We grab what we need and a few "extra snacks". We get back into the car and drive off.

"Meow!" I jumped and swerve off the road and land in a ditch.

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