The Story of Crap

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Because my brain is currently incapable of writing anything better, I decided to write crap. Literaly.

This will be the worst story you have ever read.

Aiko rushed through the crowds as the hot sun blazed upon York Beach. "Mommy, mommy!" She said as she dragged her mom towards the ice cream parlor. "Please?" Her irrisistable face pleading for the only thing she wanted in her life.

"Sure, why not?" Her mom walked her in and bought two ice cream cones. One for herself and one for Aiko. The little girl hummed quietly as she ate her ice cream.

"Mommy I'm done!" Aiko said enthusiastically as she threw away the napkin in her hand.

"Look at your face," her mother said as she tried to wipe the chocolate off her daughter's face. "Why dont we go to the bathroom?" She pulled Aiko in to the bathroom and washed off her face.

"Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom," She said doing the potty dance. Her mother showed her into the stall and shut the door behind her. Aiko sat on the toilet and pushed as hard as she could. A little brown lump plopped right into the water below. "I'm all done!" She exclaimed as she flushed the toilet. The brown lump of crap swirled downthe drain as Aiko and her mother walked out.

The crap rushed faster and faster until it reached the bottom of a tank. There it met up with all the other pieced of crap that were flushed down the toilet. Because of the fluidity of this piece of crap, it fuzed with all other objects in the tank including, but not limited to, other pieces of crap, tampons, toilet paper, urine, vomit and any other object people were capable of flusing down. This piece of crap will then travel the rest of its journey with these objects.

This mass of sewage will travel through a preliminary screening. This will separate the piece of crap and its companions from the mysterious large objects that somehow get through the toilet. The piece of crap will be relieved of its clogging companions and then will be swiftly moved to a large pond or basin which will allow the tampons and the vomit to settle to the bottom. Loosing its dearest companion, the piece of crap is split by its conflicting emotions and only the part attached to the urine and the water will continue.

The piece of crap is deavestated by his loss but continues with his companons yet another tank where the air bubbles take much of what was left. Bacteria then takes advantage of the piece of crap in its weakened state and breaks down every last bit of it. Now there is no posssible way to destinguish it from any other crap or urine in the tank.

The pieces of crap unable to continue decide to stick to a filter as a form of shelter. The piece of crap then forms a bond with other crap and urince pieces so strong that no other pieces can be allowed in. The filter and the piece of crap's bond is taken to a far far away land where it will stay for the rest of its life as a piece of crap.


In case you were wondering... that actualy is what happens to crap. yes, I did look up what happens to crap. If this was the worst story you have ever read, vote for it!

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