Minato Namikaze Short Story- One day as Hokage

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"Minato...would you please do your work like you're supposed to? It isn't going to magically do itself..." I was answered by him banging his head on the desk.

"But Lyra...It's so boring...." I roll my eyes. Ever since Minato became Hokage about a week ago his laziness had come from small, to extreme. Before he was excited, but nervous to be Hokage. And now it seemed like it was pure and utter torture to him. Lucky for him he was one of the few who were naturally talented.

"Besides...i'm sure these paper's can wait. I thought that becoming Hokage would be a little more fun than just sitting at this desk all day. I thought I would get a little more action with the ladies. I'm the Hokage, and should be doing something cool. Instead i'm reduced to doing mere paperwork." He complained while leaning back in his chair and putting his arms behind his head. I felt myself roll my eyes once again. He was acting like he never got any action, the girls were always all over him, even before he became Hokage.

I knew why he became Hokage, or some of it at least. He couldn't fool me. Right now he was just having a small temper tantrum, if you could call it that.

"Oh Minato, stop the act already. I don't know why you keep saying that. You should know by now that you're never going to fool me." Minato opened one eye and I saw a small smirk creep onto his lips.

"You can always read me so easily." He unfolds his arms from behind his head and leans foreword resting his elbows on his desk.

"I'm grateful that the village accepted me as their Hokage, and welcomed me into the position." He stood up and walked over to the window, gazing out of it while still speaking.

"I wouldn't mind just sitting here everyday going through papers, being bored each day. I would love to do that... but...." Minato trailed off, and I looked down knowing where he was going with this.

"I know that someday that day will come when I have to fight for my village. It may be today...or tomorrow...or months from now... but that day will come. We all know it will." Minato turns back and looks at me. I knew what he was saying was true. I never wanted that day to come, but I knew it would. Minato was right. There would always be fighting. As long as there was the ninja system, the world could never truely be at peace.

But unfortunitly, as soon as the wise Minato came, he left. Because Minato flopped right back in his chair and groaned. "But It's still boring! Why can't I have that assistant on tv shows that does all the work for the hero? Ya know...someone to advise me, but pretty much do my work for me...." I noticed him look up and me and saw him get 'the' face. The face I knew all too well.



"But I didn't even say anything-"

"Nope. Not a chance."

"You don't even know what I was going to say.."

"I don't want anything to do with it." There was no way. I could only take so much Minato a day. If I had to spend all day locked up with him in here I was going to suffocate.

"I don't see why not. You'd be perfect for the job. I mean, we practically grew up together and know everything about eachother. We hang out all the time. Not to mention you've been looking for a job anyway. You could help out. I mean, you'd be pretty much doing all the paperwork but hey, look at the bright side."

"And what is that?"

"You would get to see me more. Ever since I became Hokage you havn't been able to see me much lately. You would get to hang out with me, and my work would be done. It sounds like a great deal."

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