The fury Menace
When i was around the age of 3 my mum bought me a funny looking toy
it always looked at me funny, one day i pressed a button on it and roard
at me and i suddenly through it away and ran for my life but it always came
to haunt me because when i was put to bed i looked to the side and it was
suddenly there i screamed for my life i got up and ran to my mums room
screaming, it was terrifying because when i woke up i was in the front room
and when i woke up it was right there right in front of me i was so scared
i couldnt move every muscle in my body had frozen i tried to get up but i
was scared it would see me so i counted to three and i ran to the kitchen
and i went through the cuboard and found a butter knife to me at the time it
was the sharpest thing in the world and when i looked up it was right there and
it started to laugh at me so i grabbed and i stabbed it three times and it just carried
laughing so i took it to the balcanoy and i started talking a different language to it
and i threw it off, but after that day i had nightmares for 3 weeks then it stopped.