Maya + Niall

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Maya woke me up at around 8am she had to go to work, and so did I. She rolled over so she was laid on her left side and looked into my eyes. She gently pecked my lips and I squeezed her shoulder lovingly. I think she expected me to say something, because she immediately stood up, “Don’t you remember?” She asked me, sounding quite angry, I wasn’t really sure what she talked about, “Niall, I thought you’d remember this, but judging from your facial expression you don’t. Urgh.” She said loud and sighed, “Don’t talk to me.” She said as I opened my mouth to say something. I thought long and hard about what she wanted me to remember, but in my head, this was just a normal day. Maya showered and ate her breakfast faster than she’s ever done before. She got dressed and left the house, slamming the door, hard.

I sighed. I was still laid in bed looking up at the ceiling, Maya had just left, she was pissed at me, I wasn’t quite sure why, and well she didn’t tell me. My stomach was in pain, and Maya was angry, I knew that there was something that I had forgotten, but you know, whit my job and my life it isn’t easy to keep a track on everything. I looked at my phone, “Oh shit,” I said and jumped out of bed, it was 8:30 and I had to be at the studio at 9, I was screwed. I showered quickly and didn’t eat breakfast. I dressed myself in a pair of tight jeans - not Harry tight but tight enough for me - a white t-shirt and my black converse. I left my hair down today, I wasn’t going to do anything special, but record a couple of songs, and I smiled at the thought. We were in this for the fans, for our fans.

 I grabbed my keys from the table, and that’s when I remembered it, “Oh fucking hell.” I said loudly, it was Maya’s and I’s 10 year anniversary today, how could I even forget that. I bit my lip, I was running late, but I couldn’t care less, I had to fix this with Maya, and I knew she would be home before me. I wrote a note and left it on the table. I now had to ditch the boys and the studio to go and find a dress, jewelry and book a restaurant, but for Maya, I would do this.

 “To my lovely girl, Maya.

Baby, I haven’t forgot about this day, how could I?

Wear the dress in the box and meet me outside the

apartment at 7pm. I love you.

- Niall”

I signed the letter and smiled, I hoped she’d forgive me. I took out my phone and dialed Harry, he picked up immediately. “Where the fuck is you Niall?” Harry said, “Harry I will be late today, don’t ask me why, I’ll try to be there at around 10, but I can’t promise anything.” I said and ended the call before he could answer me.

I ran out of the apartment, and as I knew I got meet by a lot of journalists, “Get out of my way.” I said and tried to get through all of the people to get to my car. I opened the car door as soon as I got to it. I sat in and drove away, all these paps and journalists is really the worst part about being in the world’s most famous boy band. I drove to the fanciest dress store in London. I’ve been there a couple of times. And then it hit me, again. I knew what I had to do. I smiled at the thought, and I knew it was right. This was what I had to do. I bought a beautiful black dress, which sparkled in the light, it was the most gorgeous dress I’d ever seen, I knew Maya would love it. It was long, all the way down to the feet, and it was open at the back, beautiful is an understatement, and I knew that when Maya got in that dress it would be a million times more beautiful. I smiled, “I have the most gorgeous girlfriend on the planet.” I said to myself.

I got out of the store and back into my car, without being attacked by my lovely fans. Don’t get me wrong, I love them with all of my heart, but you know, sometimes it’s weird, I can barely breath and they know where I am and want to almost want to jump on me. I quickly drove back to my apartment, locked myself in and left the dress in the box on the table.  The jewelry store was my next stop.

I drove there and walked in, the lady smiled at me “Niall!” She said and walked over to me and hugged me tight, “Miriam, this time I want a ring.” I said to her, she looked surprised, because normally I’d buy a necklace or earrings. She just smiled and found a couple of rings, I picked one of them up, and it was beautiful. It was a silver ring, with 10 diamonds on it, it was shiny and without a doubt I knew what ring I had to buy. “This one,” I said without even looking at the others, Miriam smiled and took the ring, “It’s a good choice, and Maya will like it.” She said and I smiled, “I hope so, it’s our 10 years anniversary today.” I said, smiling, very proud. I bought the ring and let it slide into my pocket.

I looked at my phone, it was 9:30, and I only had to book the restaurant. I dialed a place called ‘The House’ it’s not a fine ass restaurant, but it’s Maya’s favorite. “It’s Niall Horan, can I book a table for two, in the corner most far away, for tonight at 7pm.” I asked the man, and luckily I got the table. I couldn’t stop smiling. Tonight would be the best night of my life.

The day went by pretty fast and soon it was 6:30. I still hadn’t got changed, but the boys and I are always ready and have our things and suits in the studio, just to be sure. They weren’t mad at me when I got there, but you know, who can be mad at me for a long time? I smiled by the thought of her, I got dressed and the boys let me go quicker than before, I hugged them all. “Good luck pal!” Liam yelled after me as I left. I sat in the car and felt if I still had the ring, and I did. I drove home to our apartment and she walked down the stairs. She looked like a princess and I caught myself almost drooling at the sight of her. She was breathtaking. She was mine. I got out opening the door for her, “You look beautiful baby, breathtaking.” I said and held her tight, I kissed deeply and smiled at her. “Thanks Niall.” She said and I saw that her cheeks flushed pink. I made that happen, and I loved it. I got in the car, “Where are we going?”She asked, smiling bright. “It’s a secret darling.” I said. And we drove in silence, not an awkward silence though. But I could still feel the tension, she was still mad, and I understood why, at least now I did.

The night went by fast, too fast. And I felt the box with the ring, burning in my pocket, it was now or never. I stood up and looked at her. “Maya, we’ve been together for 10 years, and that’s a lot. I know that I want to share the rest of my life with you, and only you. I want kids with you, I want to grow old with you.” Said and got down on my knees, “Maya, do you want to marry me?” I asked and her eyes got watery, but she hesitated, and it scared me. I thought she didn’t want too. But it took her only 10 seconds, “Niall, I love you so much, and I want to share the rest of my life with you too. Yes, yes I want to marry you!” She almost screamed with tears in her eyes, she got down on her knees too and hugged me, tight. She kissed me lovingly and deep. I smiled, I got the girl of my dreams, and now I was finally marrying her, soon. I put the ring on her finger. “I love you, today, tomorrow, forever.” I said to her as I kissed her again. 

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