Like Sucking You

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This is my 2nd entry, so I hope y'all enjoy it! But this might a short entry as well... (That was all I wanted to say) :P


"Hmmmm hmmmm hmmm" Juuzou hummed a brightly tune as you and him were walking together. You giggled and he began walking, sticking his arms out.

"Y/N-chan i'm bored!" Juuzou whinned, now pulling at his stitches on his bottom lip.

"I know! Why don't we head to a dine-in place?" You suggested.

"Hmm....Nah, I don't really feel like eating a big meal. But sweets will satisfy my hunger!" Juuzou grinned.

Of course you knew that. Juuzou has a sweet tooth and only seems to eat sweets ONLY. But what kept concerning you was how he's able to stay skinny?

"I know! I heard that a Candy Shop just recently opened two blocks away! There are rumours that they sell the best sweets in Tokyo! Why don't we head there right know?"

Juuzou's eyes widened and he jumped up and down, " Hurray! Y/N-chan's gonna take me to the sweets shop!"

You chuckled and then the two of you began heading to the sweets shop.

As the two of you were standing infront of the store, you were such awe and you could've sworn that you saw drool escaping from your friend's mouth.

"C'mon Y/N! Let's go inside already!" Juuzou said impatiently, grabbing your wrist and pulling the both of you inside the store.

"Holy..." you both were speechless as you two kept looking at the shelves of candies and the sight of many people.

"Y/N-chan! We musn't waste time and explore all the variaties of the sweets!" Juuzou squealed.

Without saying another word, both of you went running to different sections of candies.

You then were looking for your favourite candy. "Hmmm... it's gotta be here..." you thought to yourself. Soon, you found your favourite candy and put a HUGE scoop of it into a bag and you started squealing.

Suddenly a pair of hands covered your eyes.

"Guess who...?" said a familiar voice.

You giggled and played along. "Hmmm... your're not Mado are you? Nor Shinohara!"

"Hee! Its Suzuya Juuzou, silly!" Juuzou exclaimed and you grinned. You turned around and found him holding a HUGE purple and yellow swirly lollipop.

Look, Y/N! Look how huge this lollipop is!" Juuzou shoved the lollipop to your face.

"Nice!" you replied.

Then you and Juuzou paid for your sweets and left the Candy Shop.

You were walking on the sidewalk, the two of you immediately start having your sweets and Juuzou kept on sucking his lollipop. You stared in awe due to how adorable he looked.


"Yes, Juuzou?"

"Do you wanna know how sweet this lollipop is?"

"Alright, how sweet?" you asked.

Then juuzou licked the lollipop once more and grinned.

Y/N...this is as sweet as you!" Juuzou blushed.

You blushed as well "Awww! Your so sweet, Juuzou!" you replied.

Juuzou giggled, "Everytime I lick it, I always think of you..." Juuzou gave you a soft smile.

"Oh, Juuzou..." you blushed harder.

"And everytime I suck it, Its like sucking you..."

There was silence. What did he just say? But you anyway took it as a compliment, and you smiled, as Juuzou's head turns to you, and giving you a sheepish grin.

"Like sucking you..."


And that was my 2nd entry guys. And I told you that it would be short. I'll try making my stories a bit longer next time.

Anyway... I hope you guys don't find the ending a bit disturbing, because that's how Juuzou's declaring his love to you by telling you your sweet and all.

Ok, so i'll you guys next time... Bye! XP

Like Sucking You - Suzuya Juuzou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now