Best Friends

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The Main Characters:

Kayla's POV

Hello my name is Kayla Holman. I am a 12 year old. My best friends are Victoria Barone and Donatella Bolton! I love to make ting out of duct tape. For example I make duct tape animals, flowers, and bags, I am only a sixth grader and I beat 12th graders at track!

Victoria's POV

Hiiii" My name is Victoria Barone! I am 11 years old, soon to be 12. My best friends are Kayla Holman and Donatella Bolton. I love P.E lass. I am really good at sports. For example I play Soccer, Volleyball, and Badmiton. Although I am not that good at Volleyball, Donatella the master helps me with Volleyball.

Donatella's POV

Hai! I am Donatella Bolton. I am 12 years old. My best friends are Victoria Barone and Kayla Holman. I am the master at Volleyball (according to Victoria and Kayla). I am on three different Volleyball teams. The best team I am on out of the three is called The Slaughter Melons.

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