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Bomi just sit quietly because she's uncomfortable with her situation right now. She failed to escape lunch together with Baekhyun, and it's not helping when her mother leave them alone because she need to help her father in supermarket. I can't even eat properly... Bomi thought and stretch her legs with some power because she irritated. But she accidentally kicks Baekhyun's legs so he screams a bit.


"I'm sorry..." Bomi stand up and rush to Baekhyun seat. "I'm so sorry, Baek. Is it really hurts?"

"Ah, no... It didn't hurts, I was just surprised that's why I'm screaming." Baekhyun low his head to hide his embarrassment because right now Bomi hold his hand.

"You're lying right? You even held down your head."

"No, really... I'm fine." Baekhyun then stand up to prove he's alright, but now they were standing so close to each other and they look at each other eyes for a while.

Bomi snap out after realized she was staring at his eyes for a while "Oh.. Ehm.. Okay then.." Bomi cleared her throat and back to her seat.

What was that Yoon Bomi. Don't say you were captivated by his eyes?? Aisshh.. How come that happened. Bomi touch her cheeks as she feels her blood rush to her cheeks. This situation makes me weirder than before. I need to do some small talk so he didn't realize my weird action.

"So Baek, you really didn't have anything to do today?"

"Yeah... I'm mostly free on weekend except when V asked me to go with him."

"You must be really close with your cousin."

"Because he is the only family I have."

"Sorry..." Bomi worried she makes him talked about sensitive topic.

"Why you say sorry... Don't be..." Baekhyun smile. "How about you?"

"Me? Hmm... I have one sister and one brother. I'm closer with my brother because my sister is away from home as she going to Seoul for her study. And..." Bomi stop explaining because she saw Baekhyun kinda laughing right now. "Is there something funny right now?"

"Ah.. No.." Baekhyun stop laughing and give her explanation, "It's just that I'm actually asked how you spend your weekend?"

Bomi turns red after heard his explanation "Oh my God, silly me..."

"Hahaha... It's okay... I'm glad I can get to know about your family. So just continue with it." Baekhyun smile at her reaction.

"Let's just finished our lunch." Bomi try to avoid facing him so she just digging her food. Aargghh, so embarrassing! What's with him exactly, how many times he makes me feel lost like this.

After finished their lunch Baekhyun bid goodbye and going home.

"Thanks again, Baek."

"That's my line, thanks for the lunch, Bomi. And I hope you really forgive my mistake." Baekhyun waiting for her answer but Bomi didn't say anything. "I'll get going then. Bye, Bomi." Baekhyun waved.

Bomi waved back, I'm sorry Baek, I'm not sure if I can forgive you after I'd find out about your honest thought about me.

Baekhyun look back and saw Bomi going inside her house. Wohooo...!! Baekhyun screaming his happiness with all his might. He was about to run when he realize he was in front of Bomi's parents supermarket. He look at the inside and saw Bomi's parents busy with kids costumer and they look overwhelmed, so he decided to go inside and help them.

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