One shot

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I walked inside the host club. People had told me I was their favorite costumer. But I highly doubted that.

I took a step inside. Tamaki rushed towards me. "Hello Y/N!" The others smiled. Hikaru blushed but I didn't take much notice toward the action. I waved hello. "What's up?"
I was also their friends outside of the host club. I never came to flirt. Just to be with friends. Other girls piled in. I decided I would be with Hikaru and Kaoru first. I sat down and talked for a awhile until i decided it was time I switched to Mori and Honey sempai.

As I walked away Hikaru grabbed my arm and whispered quickly, "Meet me in the courtyard tonight" He then let go and went back to Kaoru. I decided I would but right now I need to spend some time with Mori and Honey.

I got their and saw Hikaru waiting for me. "Hey!" I smiled. "What's up Hikaru?" He smiled back and said, "Nothing. Come take a seat next to me" I sat down. All of a sudden a meteor shower happened and we had the perfect spot to watch it. "Wow" I said amazed, "It so beautiful" I looked at Hikaru and next thing I know he was kissing me softly. I was surprised but I then kissed back. We pulled away and Hikaru blushed.

"Hikaru..." I whispered, "If you have feelings for someone tell them. I hope you realized I have liked you for a long time" I smiled. "Really?" He answered. He hugged me tightly. "Y/N..." He said, "I think I have loved you for a long time and thank god you know that now."

Suddenly Tamaki came out from the bushes. "HOW COULD YOU GO FOR THAT SHADY TWIN??" I looked at him and said, "Tamaki I liked you at one point but you were to dense to realize it!" I looked at Hikaru and said, "Come on lets go somewhere!" I smiled at him. He smiled and we got up and left.

Tamaki stood there with tears. "How could I be such and idiot. She liked me and I stood there and flirted. Hikaru actually did something about it! I am such an idiot!" He slammed his fist into a tree.

$back to date$

We sat down at a table in a nice restaurant. We laughed, we talked, we smiled, we had fun. Then it was time I go home. He gave me a sweet kiss on the lips and we parted ways, Tamaki still stalking behind.

The next day at the host club we announced to everyone that we were dating. Honey seemed exited and jumped up and hugged both of us. Even Tamaki said, "As long as your happy, I am too." But Kaoru looked the most exited. He came up to me giving me a good hug. He went over to Hikaru and smiled so proudly. He gave him a huge hug and said, "I told you you could do it" Haruhi came over and congratulated me.

I decided that it was alright for Hikaru to be as he was in the host club and to keep it secret from the girls. It was time for him to be a host club member so I decided to spend my time there with Tamaki. "What's up sempai?" He smiled weakly and said "Hey
Y/N." I sighed and said, "Tamaki I thought you liked Haruhi! Go be with her! Don't make the same mistake you had with me!" He looked at me said, "Your right. I will ask her on a date after the girls have left." I smiled so happily, "Tamaki, I know it will be fine."

After all the girls had left I watched Tamaki walk up to Haruhi. I saw her smile widely and nod. That was a good sign. But I couldn't watch the rest. I had another date with Hikaru.

I walked to the park and waited for Hikaru. And waited. And waited. And waited. After about 1 hour I called him. He said he was deeply sorry he was late and that he would be there in 30 seconds. Sure enough he pulled up 30 seconds later. He ran over to me and hugged me, "I am so so so sorry Y/N. I am so sorry" I said it was alright and asked what happened. He said, "My mother made me stay in my room for a bit for telling her I was dating. She said, after one hour of waiting, that she was sorry and that she wanted to meet you" I was shocked but I nodded yes and we made plans that on Friday I would meet her.

After the date was over we kissed goodnight and parted ways. Did I love him? Yes, I confirmed to myself, I love Hikaru.

oh my god this is better than my current writing
I'm not continuing this because I don't watch anime as much anymore but yeah happy birthday an 11 year old wrote this~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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