Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Lauren's POV

I looked around platform 9 3/4. It was milling with kids and they're parents, everyone promising to see each other at christmas and saying a hurried bye and crap like that. Me, I was already on the train, sitting in an empty compartment, by myself, like a boss. The whistle blows and doors start slamming as the train prepares to leave. The door to my compartment slides open. "Can I sit in here? Everywhere  else's full." says a guy's voice.

I look up into the most beautiful blue eyes ever. "Sure." I answer. The guy has black messy hair. He sits down across from me. I shift into a more comfortable position in my seat. " My name's Lauren Haley Valentine." I say, introducing myself with a small smile. 

The boy smiles warmly at me. "My name is James Sirius Potter." he says. He studies me and I, him.

I cock my head to one side. "What house are you hoping to be in?" I question James. "I'm hoping Gryffindor or Ravenclaww cuz I've got brains and heart." Wow. Did I seriously just give away that I was a know it all? Shit.

"I want to be in Gryffindor like my parents." James replies with ease.

"Awesome," I say with a smile. I think that I'm in love with this boy even though I only just met him. But there's something about him that makes me want him. Or maybe that's just me and my craziness.

James's POV

I'm sitting on the Hogwarts Express, looking at the girl sitting across from me. She's so beautiful and I think I may be in love with her even though we only just met. I wander if Lauren and I will be friends . We study each other in silence for the second time. Yup, we are definitly gonna be friends. I have the most greatest feeling about it. Ugh! that sounds so weird. But it's true.

"So................" I say conversationally. We strike up a conversation about Quidditch until we have to change. I change into my robes. We arrive at Hogwarts and the only thing I can think about is how beautiful Lauren is. I've already guessed that we'll be in the same house.

I hope I'm right.

Lauren's POV

As we walk into the school for the very first time, I have a feeling. A feeling that James and I will be best friends. And in the same house. Cuz I'mm cool like that. Yup. That's right people. I'm a cool Leprechaun and you'll never be able to change my mind about it. Tehe. It's the best feeling in the world.

A proffessor, who's name I accidentally forgot immediately, and not on purpose, comes to take us in to be sorted. "Newman,Kassandra" The professor calls. Agirl with long curly blonde hair steps up. "Gryffindor!" The hat cries. I hate that hat. It's creepy. "Malfoy,Scorpius." Hmmmm. A Malfoy you say. Slythrin you go Scorpius, I think cuz I'm awesome like that. "SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouts. That's right hat, I read your mind in the creepiest way possible. 

"Brossard,Liliana" A girl with curly brown hair walks up. Gryffindor, I guess creepily. "RAVENCLAW!" the hat shouts. Bitch. I hate that hat now. I blame it cuz I can. "Potter,James" Honestly, I already know that he's gonna be in Gryffindor cuz if his parents were, then obviously he's gonna end up there too. "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat says. That's right. I'm just that awesome. 

James gives me a soft smile as he passes me and sits at the Gryffindor table. i return the smile as my name is called. "Valentine,Lauren" Whore. Can you not see that everyone is now gonna be staring at me including the person that I may have fallen for that I just met. Ass. I walk up there as the people watch. I sit on the stool calmly and the hat is placed on my head. "Hmmm. Where to put you. You could do well in any of the houses. Hmmmmmm." I wait, shuffling my feet on the ground. I swear to god, if it puts me in Hufflepuff I will pull out a knife from thin air and chop it to pieces. Cuz I'm a crazy phychopath with a right mind to do what ever the hell I want cuz I'm the boss. "Gryffindor!" the hat cries after what feels like hours. That's right, you read my mind didn't you. Good.

I flounce off to sit next to James as the sorting goes on. "That took a while." he murmurs in my ear when I sit down next to him. "What did it say to you?" he questions me. 

Questioner. " It kept on saying 'hmm, where to put you?' I thought it was gonna put me in Hufflepuff from the way it kepet on talking. I thought I was gonna scream and shout and let it all out." I reply. "I thought I was gonna go insane just sitting there." Oh wait, I think I already am insane. Oh well.

James laughs. "It was only a minute and a half." he says.

I stare at him. "You actually timed it?" I say incredulously.

He smiles at me in the most charming way. "Yup!"

I shake my head with a smile on my face. "You're a weirdo and a half." I say quietly. UNICORNS!!!

"So you think." he whispers as the sorting comes to an end. "You'll see." 

James, you are so lucky you can't read my mind cuz you'd be a confuzzled mofo. Tehe.

We fall silent as Headmistress Minerva McGonagall stands to talk. Ihate to be the one to say this but I tuned her out cuz I just do things like that. Like a boss. And then, out of no where since I'd apparently zoned out, the table's are flooded with food.

Shit. I think I'm in Heaven except that can't be cuz I didn't die. I begin to eat cuz I 'm starved and awesome. James strikes up a conversation with me cuz I'm cool and he knows it. Nah. That's just me. Tehe. Then before we know it, it's time to got to bed. Cuz we're awesome like that. We go together as one to the Gryffindor common room. Well, only the Gryffindors, obviously. Duh! I'm an idiot. Nope! I'm just simply retarded. Tehe.

I let out a huge yawn and say goodnight to James. When I go up to my room, all my stuff is there already. Haha!!! That's friggin awesome. I wave my wand, using a spell that puts all of my stuff exactly where I want it to go. I'm just that cool and awesome. Like a Lauren. Haley. Valentine. That's right. My whole entire name in three sort of sentences. LEPRECHAUNS!!!

My roommate, Kassandra Newman, stares at me. I shrug at her. "I learned it before I came." I explain my actions of putting my stuff away to her, not sure why I did but did nonetheless. 

She grins at me. I beam back at her. That's right. Me and my roommate are already cool. "Can you do that for me?" she ask me a little shyly as she runs her hand through her long curly blonde hair.

"Course I may!" I exclaim. I wave my wand saying the spell. I'm just that cool. Her stuff flies into place. Kassandra shakes her head at me.

"You are so freaking awesome!" she breathes.

I grin at her. "Thanks! I try my best!" I change and slip into my bed. "Night!!" I say to her.

"Night Lauren!!" Kassandra whispers as she too climbs into bed. I fall asleep immediately when my head hits the pillow. Like a boss.

James's POV

I sit on my bed in my dorm. It took me approximately fifteen minutes to put my stuff away and change. I think of Lauren and her sparkling brown eyes. I think of the green flecks in her eyes, always catching my attention. Then I pass out with a smile on my face.


Please comment if you like and let me know how I'm doing so I don't feel like no likes my story. :P

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