Part 1

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Pure Evil? - Part 1

"The defendant has been found guilty. He will receive the death penalty for is crimes."

So that is my fate. I am to be executed. For freeing women and children from monsters. I am the victim, not those vile human beings. I see the guilt in the juror's faces. The guilt of sending me to my death. An innocent man who tried to help them all.

Lillian was always so beautiful, so kind, so caring. I loved her and I would never have hurt her. After she told me she was bearing my child, I loved her even more. I still remember the day she told me the good news...

"I'm pregnant!" she said with joy. I was speechless. The only way I was able to show my excitement and delight was by picking her up, spinning in a circle then kissing her soft, cherry lips. 'I have never felt this happy,' I thought to myself at the time, 'I am going to be a father. I am going to have my own little family.'

Two months before her due date, Lillian went into premature labour. As I rushed her to the hospital my heart sank. Was the baby going to be alright? Was Lillian going to be able to cope with childbirth this early into the pregnancy? Despite my feelings, I kept trying to convince her that everything was going to be fine. Maybe I was just trying to convince myself. Either way, within a few hours Lillian was giving birth. I remember her screaming in pain, squeezing my hand until it turned white.

Once the baby had been delivered, the doctor told us it was a girl. We were overjoyed. Then, we realised the baby wasn't crying and the nurses has whisked her away before I even knew what was happening.

Almost immediately, Lillian started burning up. "Probably nothing," the doctor said. He clearly wasn't a very good doctor. A few hours later, a lifetime after I had been removed from her room, I was told that she had passed away. I don't know why he tried to sugarcoat it. She was dead. So was my little girl.

The doctor tried to explain their deaths to me. I didn't, I couldn't listen. All I knew was I had gone from having a loving wife and a beautiful child on the way to having nothing, No Lillian. No little girl. No chance of ever feeling happy again.

I realised, an injustice had been done, and since I had nothing to lose, I was the one that God had chosen to put it right.


Hey everyone

This is a short story I wrote for English, which I have split in two. The other part will be up soon. Please comment, would love to hear your opinions. This is dedicated to psychotic_porcupine as they helped me with my ongoing story, "Why Me?" Have a read if you feel like it.



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