Amy: 1

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There was a stranger knocking on the door, so I roll out of bed and I go to see who it is. I feel the cold wooden floors beneath my feet as I trudge down the steps. I can already tell that today is going to be a long day. I don't know who is coming to my house so early in the morning, but it must be urgent, because no one comes to visit often. Not since moms death two summers ago. It's probably grandma or Mrs. Benson from next door coming to make sure that everyone is okay. 

I open the door and smell the cool fall air. But, as I look around no one is outside. The streets look deserted, as they should at 6:00 on a Wednesday morning. But another gust of wind blows and something hits my leg. I figure that it's a leaf and shut the door to head back up to my room. 

Then, I hear him coming downstairs, oh no. I can't believe I woke him up. I hear him crashing down the steps. "What are you doing up this early in the morning!" I hear my father shouts, "You just woke me up and now you are going to pay for it!" He turns and reaches for the closest thing to him. Of course, a ruler. He towers over me with the ruler and hits me like there's no tomorrow. "DAD STOP IT HURTS!" I scream hoping to make him feel guilty. It only ever makes it worse. "You need to learn a lesson young lady!" 

I never understand why he hits me. I mean today all I did was close the door a little to hard so it made a sound. Just last night, he hit me because I forgot to turn off the tv. Anger and hurt consumed me, how could he do this to his own daughter. As he went to hit me again I grabbed the ruler and snatched it out of his hand. Anger filled his features " Give that back to me right now, Amy Myers!" He shouted. "Why, why do you hit me, how could you do this to your own daughter?" I screamed. Guilt flooded his eyes but disappeared in a instant, "because you deserve it!" 

He said and grabbed the ruler out of my hand. I flinched as I knew the ruler was going to hit me, but what I didn't expect was a fist flying full force at my face. It hit my face, a loud crack became present, I flew down and my head hit the table. It hurts so bad, a bruise spread around my eye and as I go to stand up, I fall back down. "You need to be respectful to me. You never earned a living or provided for anyone besides yourself," he screams to me. I wait until the smashing of feet up the stairs and the slamming of the door are over. By then I could see and wasn't as dizzy, so as I go to get up I look and see that a vase fell and the glass shattered. But, what was unusual about this was the sealed white envelope underneath. I slide it out from underneath the glass remains and shove it into my pocket. I go the closet and grab the broom and sweep the glass off of the floor being careful to not step on any of it. 

I don't know how mom dealer with him for so long, or why Mike could just run away. Why doesn't he try to contact me? Why didn't he take me with him? Does he know that our father has a serious mental illness? Does he know dad blames me for him running away? 

After all of the worrying, I realize that it's already 6:30 and Damon will be here in 20 minutes to get me. I jog up the steps and throw on the usual jeans and some kind sweatshirt. I brush my long brown hair. Aunt Marie said I have the hair and face of my mother. I always fantasize having her to help with everything, maybe it'd be easier if I had her. I wash my face and try to get my mind off of the events of this morning. Just as I look out the window, I see Damon's navy blue Dodge pull up.

And then, the ring of the doorbell, followed by a mad dash-roll down the steps before I woke my father up, again. I pause for only one moment, because of course I want to see Damon, but also my idiotic trip down the stairs had too much potential to wake my dad up. I fix my hair and open the door. "Morning, Ames!" I see the gorgeous emerald eyed black haired boy that I have known since birth standing in front of me with a grin spread from ear to ear. I reply with a slick, "Morning Dames." We stroll towards his truck and I hop in. Pleased to see a Dunkin' bag, I smile at him, "Happy Monday!" He says. We head off to school and I can't seem to forget the events prior to Damon saving me. I see him stare at my eye and grip the steering wheel. I know he won't say anything, he gets upset when he hears the details and I'm afraid he'll snap if he hears details too often. He's the only one who knows about my dad. As far as everyone else knows, I am very clumsy. At least I know I have him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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