Secrets of a Vampire

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"Kaylee honey, can you please come down here for a minute?? We need to talk to you." said my mother to me this morning.

Those words shattered the entire world around me. Little did I know it at the moment. Funny, the critical moments in life that you don't realize their importance until it's too late. I went downstairs after I finished straightening my hair a minute later. I grabbed my phone before I left my room and grabbed my purse at the stairs.

"Yeah mom?" I asked.

"Please sit down and let us tell you something." Woah what's with the weird tone? Kaylee thought.

"Sure but me and Emma were gonna go to the park in about five minutes so can we please hurry up?" I asked. I really tried not to be rude but I didn't want to be late.

"Yeah. But I don't know if you'll really want to go after we tell you." my father replied. I set my bag down on the couch. The seriousness of this caught on.

"Did something happen to Nana? Is she aright?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"NO! No. Your Nana's perfectly fine. No. Heavens no."

"Oh. What's this about then?" I asked, all tears now gone and reaching my bag again.

"You might want to sit down, bunny..." my mom said and put her arm around me, gently pulling me down on the couch with her.


That converstation changed my whole life. I could tell you everything but it would take too long. I honestly think that it's a big joke. I mean it's not April but hey, still a joke right. You probably have no idea what I'm rambling on about so I'll just tell you. Apparently I'm supposed to go and move in with another family. I was totally okay with that. The joke is the part where I have to marry their son. Hilarious right?

"Nice one dad." I said and grabbed my bag.

"I'm not kidding." he repiled.

"Sure. Be back around seven." I walked out the door after putting on my converse.

"Kaylee! Where were you?" Emma shouted when I finally got to the park. She was waiting with Matt and Ethan. I walked over to Ethan and he put his arms around me.

"Everything alright?" he asked, giving me a squeeze.

"I'm fine." I said and smiled.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Come on! The movies won't wait forever!" Emma shouted while grabbing Matt's hand. They started running.Well, more like she ran and dragged Matt behind her.

"Come on, Em. Were only going to Karly's." I said and jogged to catch up to her.

"Yea but they'll eat all the popcorn I bought." she frowned.

"Not the popcorn!" I screamed and we ran all the way to Karly's house. Yeah right. We ran down the sidewalk and got tired by the time we reached the stopsign.

"Hey...Ethan?" I asked, using my puppy dog eyes.

"Hey, yeah?" he asked smiling.

"Can you pretty please with cherries and whipped cream on top give me a piggyback ride to Karly's?" I asked.

"Anything for you!" he said and picked me up, throwing me on his back. Meanwhile, Matt had done the same for Emma.

"Ready?" Matt asked Ethan. He nodded. WAIT what were they..??

They both took off running down the street. We were almost at Karly's house then...they turned.

"Where are we going?" Emma whined.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2012 ⏰

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