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Its been six months. Six months since I thought I was going to die. Obviously I didn't. Whenever I hear the sound of a copter, I freak out. Everyone has told me they aren't coming back. I don't believe them though. They won't rest until they know where the president is.
"Harper!" Someone calls out my name. I instantly smile. I know exactly who it is. Thomas. The boy who would do anything to protect me, the boy whom I love. I turn a round and kiss him. "Eww cooties." He says when we pull away. I playfully punch him in the shoulder. "Eww herpes!" We both start laughing. We walk hand in hand to my locker. We grab my binder and phone and head to first hour. We both have Honors History.
"Good morning students. Today we are talking about the Civil War. The Civil War was a big impact on our country. Many things happened, can you name a few?" Hands fly up. She points to Thomas. " Umm...the Civil War was fought because of slavery." Our teacher nods. "Great summed it up." She then goes on and talks about what it was about, who took place in it...yadayada ya. She then stops talking because her phone rings. "Hello?..... Mmhmm....yes of course I'll send them down." She writes out a pass. "Harper and Thomas go to the office." We pack up our stuff and walk out the door. "Finally...we're free from our slave work!"

"Not yet Harp, we still have 5 hours left of it." We both laugh. We get to the office and are quickly pulled into the detention room. "Ok! I swear I didn't do anything!"

"That's not what this is about." Our new principal says. "We have very important news you must be aware of. Mostly you Harper. WWK has been seen."

"Where!" She gasps.

"In Wisconsin. Hayward, Wisconsin."

"That isn't that far from here." Harper says, I grab her hand.

"Correct, about 69 miles away. Also Salvador Jansen has escaped from jail." I just about faint. "Es..escaped?"

"Yes... No one knows where he went." I look at Thomas. "He is probably trying to find WWK." Thomas says. Our principal looks at the floor. "I understand this is hard for you Harper..knowing your and this schools...umm... past, but the president thought you would like to know." I nod and walk out of the room with Thomas following. I hug him. "He's not coming back Harper, you have nothing to be scared of." I only nod and walk away.

Fuck. He escaped and Harper was just acting she's gonna be freaked out. I let her leave, she wants to be alone. I walk to second hour which is gym for me. I change and see Travis. "Bro, what's up with Harper? She's acting like SJ...." I just nod. He looks at ground and pats my back and walks away. We play dodgeball in gym, my team wins like usual. I leave gym and go to Math. I have a squad in that class. It's Harper, Travis, Scarlett, Zach, and I. "Harper, Thomas told me. Your gonna be okay." Travis says softly. She looks away from him and I grab her hand and squeeze it.
Knowing that we're in 10th grade, math is really hard. Its test day. Harper is done first, then Zach, then others. I'm normally the last one done, but today I wasn't. "Harper...your gonna be fine." She glares at me and whispers back. "I'm tired of people telling me that, just leave me alone." Then the bell rings and she storms out of the room. "Someone is on her period." Travis says under his breath and Scarlett slaps him in his chest. "Travis, shut up." I leave and go to my locker.
Harper was chilled out by homeroom and she didn't snap at us. "Ok Harper,Truth or Dare?" Zach asks her.


"I dare you to like the floor." I make a face of disgust and they laugh. She gets down and licks it. "It tastes like dirt." We all laugh.
"Thomas, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Harper smiles.

"I dare you to tell Mrs. Jillsor that you peed your pants." Zach trys to stiffle a laugh, but it doesn't work. She's smirking. I roll my eyes and walk over to the teacher. "Uhh..." I turn around and see that Harper is recording it. "Mrs. Jillsor."

"Yes, Thomas?"

"I peed my pants."

She looks at me like I'm naked. "Your in 10th grade, you shouldn't be peeing your pants." I start laughing. "Why are you laughing?" She asks sternly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Jillsor, its just that Harper dared me. We both look at Harper, who waves innocently. "You guys are so weird." Then Mrs. Jillsor says. I sit back down. "And post! Best dare ever!" Harper says. "The best." I say sarcastically.

So I was editing this and I only had like two or three mistakes! Also I would like to talk about Mrs. Jillsor. She's kind of an actual live person that makes a big difference in my life and she's my 7th grade history teacher and advisor (for those of you who don't know what advisor is it's homeroom). But her REAL name is Jillian Konsor, so I just used Jill and sor and made a new name!!! But if this was made into a movie, I know that Mrs. Konsor isn't an actress, but I can't see anyone playing her role. Next chapter should be out maybe on Wedsenday or Thursday, bye y'all!

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