It's All Just A Game (A Smoshgames Fanfic)

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Addie's P.O.V

"Addie, come on get ready!" My younger sister Perrie called to me from the kitchen space of our shared apartment. She had woken up a hour earlier so I had to the room to myself.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I stated slipping on white sneakers. I walked over to the full length mirror and looked at my outfit with pride. I was wearing a May The Force Be With You shirt with black ripped jeans, R2D2 nails, R2D2 earrings, Jedi/Sith rings, a Sith lightsaber necklace, Yoda cellphone case, and a Chewbacca bag. I nodded before leaving the room and walking in to the kitchen. I gazed over at Perrie who looked like herself. She also wore a nerdish outfit but her topic was Legend Of Zelda. Triforce earrings, a Link shirt with blue jeans, an Heart Container bracelet, Navi in a bottle necklace, Triforce phone cover, complete with grey sneakers,a triforce bag and bracelet. 

Oh look whos finally ready!" Perrie laughed leaning on the counter.

"Hahaha, very funny Icepop." I said using her nickname. Perrie had pink,blonde, and brown hair. On the first day of work, one of our friends, Lasercorn, said her hair looked like ice cream and named her Icepop. My nickname was Adex since Perries and I last name was Nex.

"Ready to head off to work?"

"Yupp." Grabbing the keys to my car I opened the door for Perrie who walked out and made her way down to the garage of the apartment building. I locked up the apartment and did the same. It wasn't long till we reached my old 1969 Ford F-100 truck. It was rare to see someone in California who had this type of car but our dad had bought it for me when I turned sixteen so I had eight years with it now due to me being twenty- four.

"Can I drive today?" Perrie asked looking at me with pleading eyes.

I looked at her with my 'are you kidding me face.' "No this is my car. We can take yours tomorrow." 

"Fine," She grumbled getting in the passenger seat. "I get to choose the station though!" She chimmed before I climbed in and roared the old engine.

We got around three blocks away from the building when I heard my car starting to fail. "Oh no. Come on. You can do it!" I told my car trying to get the extra three miles we needed to get to the office. Perrie looked at me strangely. The car gave a roar of its engine before dying out. "Crap."

"Great, just great." Perrie sighed. "Now what?"

"Simple." I stated. "CALL DA LASERCORN!" I pointed to Perrie's phone next to her. She picked up the phone and dailed Lasercorn's number.

"Hey Lasercorn." She said into the phone.

"Put it on speaker!" I told her and she did. "Hey Lasercorn."

What's up?" He said.

"We have a problem. Adex's old peice of crap car broke down so we kinda need a ride."

"Really-well it is a old car. What street are you- JOVEN SHUT UP!" He yelled and went back to the convosation like it was normal. "You guys on?"

"Summerale." I stated.

"Be right there. Don't move." He commanded and hung up.

It took him awhile to get here yet not too long. He pulled up when the tow truck pulled away with my car, they said I should be able to get it back later on a in the week. "Need a ride?" Lasercorn asked rolling up.

"Just on time." Perrie laughed climbing in to Lasercorn's car, I was forced to sit in the back seat.

Once we got to the office I slowly opened the door to see Joven and Sohinki playing Dota2 while Sohinki recorded. Well if you call Sohinki ruling the game and Joven dying, then yeah they are playing. I caught a look at Lasercorn's desk.

"Why do you have a sword?!" Perrie caught me to it.

"Oh look Icepop and Adex are here." Sohinki said making the camera look towards us.

"Because I'm a bada**." Lasercorn laughed walking over to his desk.

"Oh hey girls-and I'm dead again." Jovenshire sighed.

"Hey Sohinki, hey Joven." We both said.

"Oh you might want to go check your Skyrim." Lasercorn smirked. Sohinki paused his camera and looked towards us not caring if he won or lost the game. Joven continued playing.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY?!" I yelled running to my desk and starting my game. Perrie darted over to hers and logged in.

"Everyone thing looks fine-" Perrie was intrupped by a yay-ing sound coming from both of our computers in sync. What was oringaly a dragon in the game came down as Fluttershy from MLP.

"He put in Mods great." I puffed going to settings to take down all the Mods.

"I don't know I'll think I'll keep it on for right now." Perrie laughed.

"Oh we have to upload too I forgot." I stated noticing it was Friday.

"Skyrim?" Perrie asked.

"Skyrim." I stated.

"Anyone want to jump in here with us?" I asked.

"We have to go pick up Mari for the Game Bang." Sohinki said looking down at his watch and getting up closing his beloved Dota2.

"Let's get milkshakes on the way." Joven nodded.

Get us Shamrock shakes!" Lasercorn and I yelled.

"And I want chocolate!" Icepop smiled. They two left leaving us in the office.

 I started to record us playing Skyrim, this was basicaly Lasercorn telling us to hit everyone in the balls.

"Lasercorn, the girl dosn't have balls." I told him.

"Yes she does, they are just invisable." He informed me. I rolled me eyes and heard the door open.

"We heard balls." Anthony and Ian said peeking in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So Hey. This Is A Story Me And My Friend Kiersten AKA Kittyham Is Doing.I Hope You Like It.                                                                                                                  XX Beth.

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