Untitled Part 1

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It was time for the court date. The room was filled with people from all over the state

of Iowa. This was supposed to be the biggest case of the year. 2012 has gone by fast. So much

has happened and so much preparation had gone into this case. "10 more minutes Mr. Smith."

A small woman said while walking up to the man dressed in a nice shirt, suit jacket and suede pants.

"Alright thank you Mary." He responded while shaking. His friend dressed in a similar

suit said, "Everything is going to go perfect. You've worked too hard on this case for it not

to. Do you remember your first case you ever were assigned to as a lawyer?" "Yes." "Do you

remember how nervous you were and you thought you weren't gonna win that case?" "Yes, I do

recall." "Well this is just like that." Mary came back. "Time to get in your position Mr. Smith."

"Thank you Mary." As the two men walked to the front of the room, the judged asked,

"Are you ready sir?" Mr. Smith took a deep sigh and let out, "as ready as I ever will be. "Alright

then let's begin. Please silence your phones, no recording or picture taking allowed. We are

gathering here today for Mr. Rodney's case. He is being accused of racist comments and holding

another guy hostage. Mr. Rodney would you please take the witness stand?

"Yes your honor." "Thank you. Let's begin." "Please put your right hand on the

bible and repeat after me," Said Mr. Smith to Mr. Rodney. "I swear that the testimony I shall

give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - so help me God." Mr. Rodney

took the oath. "Please explain your side." The attorney said. "Well, you see now, I wasn't

holding any man hostage. I - I - I was just cleaning my out basement and I have a dummy thing I

used to practice fighting with in there. You see I was going to be a pro fighter. It was my dream

from when I was a little boy. So anyway, there I was cleaning out my basement, and I see the old

raggedy thing sitting in a corner so I decided to give it another whorl. I pulled it out of the corner

and began beating the crap out of it. I was just goofing around on a sunny Saturday morning.

And I guess I had been going at it for a good twenty minutes. And when I heard something, I

turned around to see a man looking at me. I didn't know him at the time and so I asked who he

was and he didn't respond instead he ran out. I'm guessing he went to fill out a police report

since he's right over there and I'm here too. And yes, I might have said some things. Some racist

things. But I wasn't meaning no harm."

"Can you repeat what you said?" "Well you see when I had found out I was getting

arrested for holding a black man hostage in my basement I said, 'why in the hell would I do such

a thing if I wanted a slave. I wouldn't have my door unlocked all the time', and plus I wasn't the

one trespassing on another man's land. I wouldn't just walk into a house not knowing the guy. I

would have knocked and if I didn't get an answer I'd just come back later if it was important."

"Alright is that all?" "I believe so." "Alright can I have Mr. Robinson to the stand?"

"Please put your right hand on the bible and repeat after me," Said Mr. Smith to Mr. Robinson.

"I swear that the testimony I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the

truth - so help me God." Mr. Robinson took the oath. "Why were you in Mr. Rodney's home?"

"I was there because I heard some banging around and some sounds so I went to see what was

going on. I knocked and no one answered so I let myself in."

"Did you see a real guy?"

"I believe so. I seen a two shadows. Both were figures of guys."

"Did you hear the other guy talking?"

"Well no but I mean if I was getting beat I wouldn't say anything either. That might make it where I get beat worse."

"Alright well since we don't have any witnesses are there another questions?" Commented the judge.

"Yes just one." Mr. Smith said almost shouting.

"Well what is it sir?" Mr. Smith was thinking of a good question that could win this case. "Well today, Mr. Smith."

"Yes - yes sorry. This question is for Mr. Rodney. Why do you think Mr. Robinson thought that you were beating up a guy?"

"Well I'll go get the dummy thing for you to see but it's shaped kinda like a person. It's not a regular dummy. Because I wanted something where I could see the guy and all his spots so I could win matches better."

"Alright but there's no need to see the dummy." The judge called out. Let's take a five minute recess and then when we get back we will tell you what we decide."

As everyone walked out of the room it was obvious that he had won, but you can't be so sure. When everyone leaving the courtroom at the time the lawyers were so excited that the case had went so well. There's no way he didn't win the case.

It was time to go back in. The room was filled with chatter. "Silence!" The judge shouted over everyone. We have came to the conclusion of the future for Mr. Rodney. Everyone fell silent. We have decided to send him to jail for 2 years.
"What!" Mr. Smith said. "How is it that you don't see that my client is obviously innocent."

"Well son, not everyone tells the truth on that there stand. They may be under oath but some don't do it."

"Why two years than?"

"So he learns a lesson."

"And what lesson is that?" He was nearly shouting.

"Well that's for him to decide and if you keep shouting you will be right there with him."

"That's not freaking fair!"

"That's it take both of them!"

"Leave me alone! Get your hands off me! Stop!"

The police kept walking. "Your going with us."

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