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Hey guys. I know, another story. Well, whilst I'm stuck for inspiration, I thought, why not have a go at something new, I mean, completely new!

This is the first chapter about a boy called Joe Granger. 



Joe could feel the sunlight flooding  into the room, his arm was trapped underneath his body and his legs tangled in the duvet. Even if you asked him, he couldn't have said what it was that woke him up that morning, it could have been the fact that his arm was beginning to grow numb underneath the weight of his body, or maybe it was the sunlight was streaming into the room at a different angle than usual , it might even have been the tick of the clock. Whatever it was, it didn't want Joe to have a good nights sleep.

Joe's eyes were shut as he wondered what time it was, it had to have been pretty late giving the streaming light from the window. The room was silent, that was another odd thing about that Decembers morning. Where was Joe's mum, frantically shouting at him to get up and do something with the day? Maybe she was angry with him. The only thing was, Joe couldn't recall arguing with her lately, maybe he'd got home late last night, past his curfew. Though he didn't remember doing that either. When did he get home last night? In fact, he didn't recall even leaving his friend Steve's house last night, but he remembered being there. The only logical reason would be he'd slept over Steve's house, yes, that was it, he slept over his friend's house so his mum wasn't there to shout at him. His theory would also explain the perculiar angle of the sunlight.

Reluctantly, Joe opened his eyes. He let them scour around for Steve's alarm clock, and when he had no luck, he slowly sat up and swang his legs over the bed landing with his feet firmly on the ground. He looked around, this wasn't Steve's room, it was too tidy. In fact, judging by the view from the large window opposite him, this wasn't even Steve's house.

Joe got up and wandered over to the window, he didn't recognise where he was. All he could see was a couple of narrow roads and some fields covered in a white blanket of snow, slowly melting in the heat of the sun. It seemed as though he was somewhere in the country side as this certainly wasn't the busy streets of Croydon Joe knew and loved.

Two minutes later a girl slightly younger than Joe himself entered the room, interrupting his train of though. He turned to face the her.

The girl was holding  white sheets. A maid perhaps? She looked at him and blushed, "Umm, I'll come back later, I did't know that you were still in here sir, sorry." and with that she rushed out of the room, closing the door behind her. 

What was that about, Joe thought to himself. He looked down at himself. He was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers. Joe swore softly and started searching for his clothes. Where were they? He hurried over to the bed and beagn to tear the duvet off. Where did he put them?

It would really help if I could remember what happened last night, Joe thought to himself.

It was in that moment that he felt a sharp, cold sensation running down his back and  fell swiftly to the floor...

Joe found himself lying outside a room, a key card in his clenched fist. He was freezing and a large bruise had appeared on the side of his left leg.It throbbed as he softly ran his finger across it, wondering how it had gotten there. 

He stood up, and swiped the key through a slit on the door in front of him. If by magic, it opened slowly. Joe entered the room.

 He looked about, hoping there was a shower somewhere. Luckily for him, there was one. He quickly undressed and hopped in, the hot water was soaking his skin as it dripped down his back. Joe let all of his thoughts rush from his mind, leaving it blank and relaxed. Sooner rather than later, Joe felt a rush of  ice-cold water flood down his kneck and down onto his back. Outraged, he realised that he had used up all the hot water.

Quickly jumping out of the shower, Joe wrapped an emerald green towel around his waist and picked up his clothes. He threw the towel onto the bed before wandering over to the oak wardrobe in the corner of the room...

Joe came back into conciousness, fragments of his memory ambled through his mind, leaving a distant trail of questions floating. The wardrobe. If that memory was the correct version of events, he should look in there. Joe did as his mind instructed. He walked over to the large oak wardrobe and reluctantly opened it. Sure enough, inside were a large heap of clothes. None of them his own.

Joe stared at the pile, bewildered, before lifting it up and dropping it into the centre of the room. He looked about for anything that might be his size. After looking at each individual piece of clothing, and trying them all on, he had a collection of clothes that fit, unfortunately, hardly any of them were particularly attractive. He finally settled for a pair of striking green boxers, a pair of dark jeans and a crimson buttoned up shirt with three quarter length sleeves and a pair of flaming cherry pumps. Deciding that will have to do, Joe slipped them on and looked about for anything that might belong to him, then he left the mysterious room. Once outside the room it didn't take long to work out that Joe was in a hotel. Where and how he got there, well that's another question...


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