The first time I ever saw crystal meth was with my best friend Timmy. I knew he did the shit, but I never saw him do it before. We were sitting in our living room, we lived together because my mom and I lived with family friends, Donnie and Becky, and their 6 year old son Hunter. Timmy is Donnie's brother. He lived with us because he lost his job. Everybody was in bed, and it was me and Timmy in the living room watching TV. I am a teenager, so I was just staying up for the fuck of it. Timmy, although hardly ever ate or slept, because of the meth. He said he didn't feel like getting up and going to the garage to smoke some. So he got some tin foil, and a straw. I was really interested in seeing the drug, and witnessing him smoke it. He laid the white crystal like drug in a small pile on the tinfoil and held a hot lighter underneath the foil. I was watching very carefully. Then the meth began to melt, and smoke. Timmy sucked up all the smoke with the straw. After he couldn't inhale anymore, he blew a huge mushroom cloud out of his mouth. He was instantly happy and he hit it multiple times, until it was gone. I had smoked pot hundreds of times, and marijuana was nothing new to me. I could make a bong out of a water bottle, or a pipe out of an apple easily. But this drug was way different, and I knew it was dangerous. That's the night my fascination started.
Chapter 2
One day, it was just me and Timmy home alone. My mom was at her boyfriends like always, and Becky and Donnie were on a dope run. Timmy and I were just chilling in the garage, talking and hanging out like always. I looked up at him and told him I wanted to try it. He said okay, so we walked into the house and went to the basement, where they always smoked when they weren't in the garage. He pulled out a hollowed out light bulb, and a small baggie full of the shit out of a drawer. He dropped a few crystals into the bulb, and handed it to me.
"Slowly twist it and don't inhale until I tell you to."
"okay" I responded.
He held the flame under the bulb, and told me to start slowly turning it.
"Go" he said.
I started inhaling. I inhaled as much as I could, and slowly let it out. The taste was weird. I then let out a huge cloud of smoke. As I exhaled, I felt the rush immediately. At first, it just felt like I was light headed. But then I felt so energized.
We walked back out to the garage. I just wanted to run. I wanted to run, and jump. Timmy told me to just sit down and enjoy it, or else I wouldn't feel good later. So I listened to him. When Becky and Donnie got home, I went to my room and started to clean. I didn't want them to suspect anything. I looked at myself in the mirror. My pupils were huge, and I barely recognized myself. I looked beautiful. I looked confident. I was everything I wanted to be right then and there....