Chapter One

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I lye there awake in bed and staring up at the ceiling. "I've got to get up otherwise I'll be late" a voice in my head spoke. I sigh as I swung the cottoned white sheet off of me, this is going to be a log day for me.

I approach the shower bathing myself in my nivea shower cream, I wash my hair and wrap my white towel around my chest. Looking at my wardrobe there isn't many suitable smart looking clothes so I grab my usual, a suit.

I wear a pair of Mary Jane heels that are black and I dry my hair which is straight like its just been ironed. I apply some mascara and foundation on with a light pink lipstick that enhances my lips.

Nothing is working right for me today, what time is it? Oh, no I'm going to be late. I quickly grab my coat and hail a cab.


As i am walking past my colleague I say
"Hello James, how was your evening?"
He looks at me with a warm smile.
"Oh you know the usual for me, just calm and relaxing but finishing my old Stephen kings book".
"Good". Work time for me although I will ask my assistance to get me a coffee, buzzing her to come to my office she takes five minutes at least to arrive.

"Sophie, I would like a cup of coffee and to set up a meeting with me and my colleagues please, thank you." I see her standing there whilst I am sorting out my paperwork that has been piled up on me this morning. she takes a moment or two to leave an I look up and she was gone.

I sit back and wonder why do I have all of this paperwork when I did a huge last night, I sigh with a knock that appears at my door.

"Come in". Its just Sophie, she welcomes me with a smile and places my coffee on my desk.
"Sophie, thank you for my coffee, has my meeting been set up?"
"Yes it has, is there anything else?"
Ah, here goes nothing.
"Yes, take a seat we can go over my schedule for this week." And so my day begins.

The meeting takes up most of my day about where all the fashion designs are going and what is going into our expose magazine. I turn off the lights at my desk and make my way out of the office.

I couldn't see very well because the place was in darkness and made my way to the staircase, thankfully that was light and my eyes adjusted pretty well. Shall I call mom today or tomorrow? Well I think its been a long day so I will just drop her a text to see how she is.

Mom how's things going at home? Did you see the doctor? Today has been a long day so I will ring you tomorrow because its my day off.
Lyl x L x

I decided to walk the streets home, sitting at the office all day has made my bum go numb. Their isn't many cars going about, maybe I should have brought my headphones then this walk wouldn't be as boring. Mum text back within a couple of minutes.

Hello darling, yes I went to the doctors and everything is fine, I just have a chest infection and was given some antibiotic's. Sorry to hear that you've had a crappy day, please come visit sometime soon I really miss you.
Lyl2 xx mom xx

I worry about her a lot, maybe I should go and visit her soon but not tomorrow that is a day to myself.

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