Non-Personal Niall Imagine

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You'd just saw your now ex-boyfriend kissing another girl. Not just any other girl, but your sister.. You'd asked him why and he said "She's prettier, skinnier, and i like her more. I was just using you to get to her, and it worked." By this time tears were running down your face, non stop, mascara blending in with the tears. You took off running not even caring whe

re you were going. There was a bump on the sidewalk and you tripped and fell. Not even caring, you got up crying even harder and walked to the park. There were camera's and cords everywhere, but you just went and sat by the fence, head in your hands letting the tears fall down your cheeks, not caring who was staring. Suddenly you feel someone come plop down next to you, staring at you. You look up and see this beautiful sparkling blue eyed, dirty blonde haired boy with a cute irish accent & the most perfect smile looking at you. You look back at him as he asks "Why are you crying, love?" The tears fall down out of your eyes even harder as your body shakes uncontrollably. " I just caught my boyfriend of a year and 11 months kissing my sister. And when I asked him about it he told me that she's prettier, skinnier and he likes her more. He told me that he only used me to make her jealous." you manage to get out between sobs. He pulls you close, your head resting on his lap as he strokes your long wavy brown hair, wiping your tears away, as he says, "I don't think I've ever seen anyone more beautiful as you. I don't even think that's possible. What's your name, love?" as he looks into your big grey-ish eyes smiling as they sparkle. A single tear slips down your face as he asks what's wrong. You reply, "Y/N, and No ones ever told me I was beautiful. No one... Ever." "Well, i'm Niall, nice to meet you, Y/N, and I just did," he says leaning down, kissing your forehead. You smile and accidently fall asleep in Nialls lap as he's stroking your hair. You wake up about an hour later to see Niall laying right next to you, one arm underneath you, and the other on your hip. You smile and lightly wake him up. "Hi!" You smile and say to him. He laughs and says, "Hi, did you have a nice nap?" You chuckle and say, "Yeah, You were a good pillow." He smiles and you both notice four boys walking towards you. "Well good evening you two." a curly haired boy with a british accent says. "Good evening, lads." Niall says with a laugh. "This is Y/N, lads. And Y/N this is Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn." he said starting with the curly haired boy, moving to a boy wearing red skinnies and a striped shirt, to a boy with an innocent face and short hair, then to a guy with black hair in a perfect quiff. They were all so beautiful. "Nice to meet you Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn." you say. "The pleasure is ours. Niall where'd you meet this beautiful girl?" Harry asks. "Right here, she was crying, so i went to ask what was wrong, she told me, and fell asleep in my lap, and i eventually fell asleep too." Says Niall, smiling at you. "Y/N, how bout the boys and I walk you home, you get ready, and I'll come pick you up at 6:30 and take you out to dinner?" Niall says looking at you. "Sure." You say smiling.

-Walking home- Louis bumps into Harry and pushes Harry off the sidewalk, Louis laughing when Harry lands in the grass, on his bum. "Oh Lou! What was that for?" Harry says as you, Niall, Liam, and Zayn look back to see Harry getting up off the grass, wiping his pants off. You all laugh as Harry runs and tackles Louis. "Help Me guys!" Louis says. You look at Niall, laugh and you both run over and Niall lays his back on Harry, and you jump on them all, each of them letting out a large, "Ughh" in unison. Zayn and Liam laugh, as they've just watch you basically cannonball on the three boys. You laugh. as you decide to be nice to Lou & Harry and get off. You pull Niall up into a hug. "Sorry," you say looking up into his eyes. Niall can't help but pull you in for a kiss. This shocked you put you went along with it. After about a minute you hear the other four boys say, "Oh my goodness, get a room!" You both pull away, look at the boys and stick your tongues out, laughing. You look back at Niall, give him a little peck on the lips and start walking again. He reaches for your hand, and pulls you close. You smile feeling so protected, and you have completely forgotten about what had happened earlier that day.

You get to your house and Niall walks up to the door with you. He tells you to go get your parents. You look at him confused but do as he asked. You bring your parents to the door, and he introduces himself. "Hi, I'm Niall, from One Direction and I was wondering if I could take your daughter, Y/N out to dinner tonight. I've had a fun time with her, and I'd like to get to know her more." he says. Your parents raise their eyebrows, without even looking at each other they say yes at the same time. You say, "Okay, well im going to get ready, Niall, I'll see you at 6:30." and smile at him. "Bye boys!

you shout to Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn. "Bye, Y/N! See you soon!" They all shout back. "Oh, these boys are my band mates and my best friends." Niall says and turns to wave the boys up there. "This is Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn." Niall says, introducing them all to your parents while you were upstairs getting ready.

-Niall walks up to your door, rings the doorbell & you answer, he hands you roses, and kissed your forehead. "Ready?" Niall asked. "Of course! Where we going?!" you ask eagerly as you get in the car and Niall shuts your door and hops in the drivers seat.. "Oh no where." Niall says with a cheeky smile. "Niall Please! Just tell me." You say putting on a puppy dog face. Niall looks at you and says, "Nope, but i hope you'll like it." He says kissing you on the lips. After, he starts driving and pulls up to lookout point. It over looks the beach. You get out, "Niall, what are we doing here?" As Niall grabs your hand, he leads you down the hill, and that's when you see it. 

A beautiful candle lit dinner under lookout point. "Niall! This is perfect! Thank you so much." You say pulling him in for a hug, and he kisses your forehead. "I'm glad you like it Y/N." he says with a smile on your face. He takes your hand, and leads you to the table he's got set up, pulls your chair out, and lets you sit down, before walking to the other side and taking a seat, directly across from you. "How did you do this Niall? It's beautiful. Once again no one has ever done something so sweet for me." "The lads helped me. Liam, Louis, and Zayn helped me set it up, and Harry cooked the food. We have our own waiter too." He said smiling as Liam walked over. "You two ready to eat?" Liam said. " You and Niall smiled at each other, and replied with the same answer, "Yes!"

Liam walks out with your food. Parmesan chicken, savory rice, mashed potatoes and gravy and Corn. "This looks so amazing. Liam, can you go get the other boys and come out here please?" you say. Niall looks at you confused, as Liam returns with the other three boys following him. You get out of your chair and hug each one of them individually thanking them for helping. "This is amazing. I can't believe you all did this. I'll never forget it." "Anything for Niall," Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn said giving Niall a pat on the back as they all walked away. Niall stood up pulled you over to him and said, "Anything for you beautiful." before kissing you. 

You sat down, at the delicious dinner that Harry prepared, when suddenly, "Y/N. Can I ask you something?" Niall says with a worried tone. "Sure Niall. What is it?" you say. "Will you go out with me?" Niall says. Your jaw drops, you can't help but smile and you say, "Yes Niall. I'd love to be your girlfriend." as he reaches across the table and takes your hand and Kisses it. "Thank god. I thought you'd turn me down." he said. "After comforting me when i'm balling my eyes out, telling me i'm beautiful like twice today, preparing this amazing date, and then being so handsome you think i'd turn you down?" You say getting out of your chair, walking over to Niall pulling him up to where his face was only inches away from your face, "Well, you were wrong Mr. Horan." you say before giving him a long romantic kiss. When all the sudden music started to play. You pull away, looking at Niall confused, but then rest your head on his shoulder and dance around with Niall for a while. it was just so perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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