Chapter 1

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"Sammy, do you realize in a week you'll be married to the same person for the rest of your life? Don't get me wrong, I couldn't be happier for you and Jo, I just can't believe my baby brother is going to take the big plunge. I mean, after what that bitch Meg did, I can't ever see myself going down that road again."

"Dean, if you're trying to scare me it's not gonna to work. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with the one and only Jo Singer. Deep down Dean, I know you're jealous that Jo got smart and picked the more handsome, smarter Winchester", Sam smiled then followed it with his famous bitch face.

"Yeah, Yeah Sammy, who am I to argue with you today anyway? Sammy stop messing with your girly hair and get a move on. What time did you tell the guys to meet us at the Ellen's?"

"I told Dad and Bobby to meet us at eight. Bobby is bringing the van and Castiel said he would be the designated driver. Hmm, that's funny. I should have heard from him by now. His plane was supposed to land at two. I'll have to call him once we get to Ellen's to see if something happened. This isn't like Cas to be late. He's annoyingly early for everything. Oh, and hey, Dean-o, can you please behave yourself tonight? You promised Jo and Mom that there would be no 'shenanigans.'," Sam looks down at Dean with his big puppy eyes.

"Sammy, don't worry I have no 'shenanigan's' planned. I'll be on my best drinking behavior. If I remember right Ash, Garth and Benny are the ones you need to worry about. Do you remember my "Recently Freed" party and the karaoke that was performed that night? I had nothing to do with that, so save your lecturing for the real culprits." Dean follows up with his own bitch face, which is not nearly as good at Sam's.

(Sam's phone rings)

SW: Hi Cas

CN: Hi Sam

SW: What's going on? I've been worried about you. I texted you several times and never heard back. Are you having problems finding our place?

CN: This day has been hell. We just landed about 30 minutes ago, my luggage is M.I.A., and I now have no vehicle because the rental place gave my car to someone else.

SW: No worries Cas, we'll come and pick you up. If your luggage doesn't show up you can borrow some of Dean's clothes. I think you guys are about the same size. Dean will be there in about thirty minutes, Cas.

CN: OK sounds good, what kind of vehicle should I be looking for?

SW: Dean drives a 1967, pristine black Chevy Impala.

CN: Sounds great. I will check for my luggage again. Have you told Dean about me?

SW: No, but Dean won't care. I'm 99.9% sure Dean is Bi. I'll just tell him to look for the blue eyed angel.

CN: Great Sam, see you soon.

SW: Bye Cassie, see you soon.

(Sam hangs up)

"What the hell did you just volunteer me for, Moose? I am not going to usher one of your yuppie college buddies around."

"Come on Dean, please do this small favor for me. I can't show up late to my own bachelor party. If you leave now you can pick up Castiel and be back to Ellen's by 9." Sam once again gives Dean his puppy eyes, praying that he can convince his brother.

"Fine Sam, whatever the master wants tonight. Just remember you owe me big time. Now do you want to clue me in on who this yuppie is?"

"First of all, Castiel is the farthest from being a yuppie. He will be wearing a tan trench coat, he has messy black hair, and bright blue eyes. Trust me, you won't regret this, Dean. By the end of the week you may even owe me."

"Don't start with that again, Moose. Why are you convinced I need to have someone in my life, and why do you all of sudden think I'm attracted to guys?"

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